messages to step-in-life:
(click here to add new message):

from lostleanor :
:) I have missed your thoughts as well, though I'm pretty sure I was the on mia. We need to catch up real soon. after midterms i will seek you out and force you to talk to me <3
from bigmonayho :
In life you have to do what you feel is right! Don't listen to other people about what to take, only you know what is right for you. As for the ultimatum thing, it's a dangerous thing to make a guy choose, because it's probably not going to be the choice you want. But, don't settle. You deserve to be treated like a princess.
from lostleanor :
fucking HOORAH for zoology! that's so awesome! screw all the idiots who say otherwise.
from lostleanor :
awww she's fucking adorable!! i'm so glad you have that beautiful new love in your life >_< loooove you sug. <3
from bigmonayho :
Wow, she's sooooooooooo cute! She looks a lot like the dilute calico that I have (her name is Kiki).
from lostleanor :
huney, i miss you. i haven't been here for you much lately, and i'm sorry. i hope we can catch up soon. take care, and never give up. k? <3333
from bigmonayho :
Don't be so hard on yourself! Taking a term off may be good for you. I did it, and it made a difference for me. It all depends on what's good for you though.
from lostleanor :
i hate to tell you this... but mark's right for not wanting sex. I mean, safer's the way to go. I'm really surpised though at his self sontrol. haha. But really impressed as well. Bravo to him, and I love you! I hope you start feeling better honey. You're perfect the way you are, ya know. <3
from lostleanor :
hey beautiful. keep that smile on! <3
from bigmonayho :
Wow! Hottie! If you need to talk, don't be afraid to e-mail me, k?
from lostleanor :
sooo good talking to you tonight. :) <3333
from bigmonayho :
I agree definitely gorgeous! You look great!
from lostleanor :
aaah! how do you always manage to look so gorgeous!?! ;) <333
from lostleanor :
*blush* you are so amazing. your entry today made my day soo much better. :) I'm really glad you told Mark; he needed to know. Hopefully he'll make the right decision and shape up, start making you so happy again. all the best in the world to you. loves, hugs, and all good things. <333
from lostleanor :
you are so amazing. the sister i never had. :) thank you so much. you really mean a lot to me. <3
from lostleanor :
aww I'm sorry it made you cry :( I really think he'd like to see your raw thoughts and emotions though. I mean, you're beautiful both inside and out, so why not want to see that beauty shine some more? :) let me know how things go, love. I'm still always here <333
from bigmonayho :
You have to realize that you're the one that made yourself better. He may have helped to, but you're the one who decided to give it up. Realize that you're strong with or without a man, and you have the choice to go back there whether you're with or without him. Think about why you did those things. Was it just because he wasn't in your life? Good luck sweetie. I'm always here if you need me.
from lostleanor :
oh honey. If I could show him this myself, I would. Because I really think that this stuff, this REAL meat and bones stuff is what he needs to hear and you need to tell him. I know it's not so easy, but it'll be the make or break; he'll either understand and make things better with effort, or he'll understand and give you your space. I love you, hope it all works out. <333
from lostleanor :
yeah I forgot your old one... haha, so you can just pick a new one, and i'll delete the note with it on my page after I fix it. :)
from bigmonayho :
I'm sorry to hear that sweetie. Just remember that being alone isn't always a bad thing, and I'm ALWAYS here to talk.
from lostleanor :
wellll you SHOULD feel good about yourself! and smile too, because it's amazingly beautiful :)
from lostleanor :
you're sooo beautiful and i'm insanely jealous. all the love in the world to you, ♥
from bigmonayho :
Hang in there! Know that you're beautiful and worry about recovering, not what other people say to you!
from lostleanor :
UGH I wish your mother would shut up!!! You, seriously, are sooo amazingly beautiful and being skinny isn't even what it's wrapped up to be. I'd rather have meat on my bones than be (maybe a little tooo) thin ANYWAYS. You're perfect the way you are so HA.
from lostleanor :
hehehe. They received those big hugs, trust me :) Thanks m'Dear. And you know I'm always here for you too. ♥
from lostleanor :
I'm sorry about your mother but if she is sick, then I'm glad they're going to find out why and what's wrong. **big hug** All the best to you, my Love. ♥
from bigmonayho :
Good luck with everything
from bigmonayho :
It's good to finally hear from you! I was beginning to wonder.
from lostleanor :
hehehe. It's okay, I think it's really cute how nervous you are about it, actually. :) I mean every word so keep up the smiles, alright? >_< loves ♥
from lostleanor :
you're making ME nervous about your borhters graduation! haha I just want you to know; I'm realy proud of you. You're doing so, sooo well these days and I know it's taken a lot to get there. I'm really happy for you and I hope everything keeps going so well. sooo much love to you, ♥
from bigmonayho :
Don't worry about what people think about you! It's important to be happy within yourself.
from bigmonayho :
Hope you feel better!
from bigmonayho :
I still read! I've just been going through a lot of shit lately so I haven't written in awhile. Good luck with everything!
from lostleanor :
I surely am still an avid reader, m'Dearest. >_<
from bigmonayho :
I like the new hair! It looks great!
from lostleanor :
from bigmonayho :
Hey, it sounds like everything is coming together for you! I'm really glad to hear that. We should catch up sometime soon!
from bigmonayho :
I hope everything is going well for you! Have a great Christmas, and we should catch up sometime soon!
from lostleanor :
We most defnitely DO need to catch up! How have you been??? x♥x
from lostleanor :
You need to start eating. REALLY. -♥
from bigmonayho :
I'm sorry to hear you haven't been feeling well lately! Hang in there, things always have a way of working out!
from lostleanor :
Thanks so much, you're so considerate! Hope you're doing well and that I get to hear about these three guys...:) Let me know how your date goes! -♥
from lostleanor :
We should talk more then. We have more in common than either of us think. Take care, Love ♥
from lostleanor :
I'm sorry you feel that creeping pressure rising in the back of your mind. Please hold it off, stay happy. We should talk more, you beautiful woman you.
from bigmonayho :
Don't ever do anything just because of a man. Do things that make YOU happy. Go out because you want to, not because of Jody.
from lostleanor :
I don't like the Jody who calls you drunk either, or the way he messes with your head.
from lostleanor :
You should stop lying to yourself, girl; YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL, body included.
from lostleanor :
hahaha. You crack me up, kiddo.
from lostleanor :
oooh, that's so mean!; telling us you have good news but want to wait to say it... ;) I can't wait!
from lostleanor :
I really am so happy for you. I'm glad you've found someone who makes you happy.
from lostleanor :
Thank you so much for all you do. You melt my heart
from lostleanor :
You're really too nice to me. The e-greet, the note, the note on your profile... you'll never know how much it all means to me. You're so beautiful, I thank and love you from the bottom of my heart, to the top of it.
from lostleanor :
Your notes... are the only thing keeping me alive right now
from bigmonayho :
Nothing's ever too fast as long as it feels right to you. I'm glad you found someone, you deserve it!
from lostleanor :
Aww....I'm glad you found a Prince Charming. :)
from lostleanor :
:) I just wanted to add that you shouldn't worry so much about how you look, you look GORGEOUS. You're so perfect the way you are, I can't even believe you'd ever think differently.
from lostleanor :
You really are way too good to me. Never stop being the sweetheart you are because THAT makes me smile. I <3 you like mad.
from bigmonayho :
You guys look sweet together. But taking things one day at a time is good.
from lostleanor :
You should smile more, you have the brightest smile I've ever seen. You're beautiful
from lostleanor :
All your pictures are beautiful, but the one of you smiling is just dazzling.
from bigmonayho :
It doesn't make you any more two-faced than she was.
from lostleanor :
I never thought a song could sum up my life. I don't know wether that's a god thing or pathetically cliche.
from bigmonayho :
If I've learned one thing in my 19 years is that there are very few men that do not have a philandering eye. Ask yourself this, if you were the woman he is marrying, would you want him to be flirting like this with other girls? You deserve better, and I promise you, you will find that "whole" feeling again, but you must first be happy with yourself before you can be happy with someone else.
from bigmonayho :
Sweetie, one thing I've learned in this life of mine is that women will do anything to other women to get ahead in life. Women are bitches. Realize that obviously she was never a true friend. I know this is going to be hard, but you have to show that you can be happy. Hang in there!!!!
from lostleanor :
Wow, my love, life was not meant to be beautiful, to be easy or to be happy. It was meant to be broken and shattered and harsh and cold. But you put on a heavy coat and you bear it. We're all there with you, in our own coats. Please remember that we bleed the same way you do.
from bigmonayho :
I'm always here if you need someone to talk to!!!! You're never alone!
from bigmonayho :
Geez, we are too alike....
from bigmonayho :
from fadedxme :
I wouldn't recommend the Green Apple flavor. I don't like it. I loooove the Chocolate Fudge flavor. Tastes like a Tootsie Roll. Mmmmm. If it's not your thing, Berry Lemonade is good too. xoxox
from glass-veins :
thanks so much, love. i'd like to read your entries also, i bet they're beautiful so if you're willing could i have your username & password?
from lostleanor :
Thanks a lot. I hope you know that everything you write or express means a lot to me. You're not as alone as you think
from lostleanor :
I cared about what you had to say. I'd really like a password, if you're willing to give it to me. Thanks a lot and take care of yourself. And remember~ the world should change to YOU, not the other way around
from fadedxme :
Hey yanno, that note really made my day for some reason. People who think of me offline really make me happy. P.S. I live off the stuff. It's awesome. Thanks again! ♥♥
from andwebreathe :
thank you for your kind words, rambling can be quite theraputic sometimes though ♥
from placable :
I hope your cats win.
from lostleanor :
why did you lock your diary?
from placable :
Weight? What weight?!
from bigmonayho :
You have to eat at least 1200 calories a day to lose weight, otherwise your metabolism will slow down and you'll actually end up gaining weight.
from bigmonayho :
I think it's important that you move on from Keith before you can properly be with someone else you know? It'll happen. You're only 19. Remember that having a guy in your life will not magically make all of your problems disappear. You have to be happy yourself, before you can be happy in a relationship.
from andwebreathe :
thanks for adding me ♥
from bigmonayho :
I like your long entries!!!!
from placable :
National Dean's List?! You kick ass!! Good stuff :)
from bigmonayho :
Exact sense!!! It's scary how alike we are. I know that I tend to push everyone away in my life (especially when I was with Matt) to see if they'll come back. I think I believe if I do this, and the stick around I know if they really care.
from bigmonayho :
I know exactly what you mean about fighting being the only thing you know how to do with your father. In a strange way, I think it's how we show eachother we care. Do you think your relationship with your father has messed up how you act in relationships? Congrats on the NDL nomintaion!!!
from bigmonayho :
I'm so glad that you didn't cut last night!!! Remember that I'm just an e-mail away!
from lostleanor :
It HAS been a while. I've been here and there and everywhere. :) What have YOU been up to?
from placable :
Now that I know...Do NOT underestimate the power of your hotness. Seriously, it's almost blinding.
from lostleanor :
Hey kid, I just wanted to let you know that you're beautiful, and always will be as long as your head is held high. Never think you need this and need that. You don't need anything. You're perfectly beautiful the way you are.
from placable :
I don't know what you look like dearie, but: Do NOT underestimate the power of your hottness.
from placable :
It sucks how things have to be hard eh? I hate it too.
from bigmonayho :
Don't feel bad that you still have feelings for Keith. When somebody was such a large part of your life for so long it's only normal to feel nostalgic or still dream of them. When you share love and closeness with another person, I believe that, some of that love will always be with you to some degree. I think the best thing for you to do right now is not to concentrate on all the things you miss about being with him. I know I was doing that with my ex and it was making not being with him so much harder. Instead concentrate on what didn't make you happy in the relationship, or didn't make you happy about him. I had the tendency to concentrate on only the good times I hate with my ex after we broke up, and overlooked how much pain and hurt he had also caused me during our relationship.
from andwebreathe :
thanks for adding me ♥
from eternalscars :
oh thanks so much for adding me to your favorites list. <333 i'll have to look around your site now. thanks again. xoxox
from lostleanor :
from lostleanor :
There's ALWAYS someone who wants to talk; ME. :)
from lostleanor :
:) Thanks for adding me!! We should talk more, we have a lot in common, I think. Have a great day (or night)

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