messages to sterile-dirt:
(click here to add new message):

from jarofporter :
yeah, it's an old post (Friday, Mar. 01, 2013) but we tend to not password-protect because we're wanting new input, contact, validation... sorry, just saw the name on the 'online' list & clicked it, haven't read anything else yet...
from hippytrash :
I live in Calgary now.. so we can be friends again and hang out. You know how to get ahold of me. Xo
from jddarkdeath :
Heya sam, stay strong, and be well. Let'me know about those schedules for visiting. Wouldn't mind popping in some day. Smile :)
from hippytrash :
"everybody cares, everybody understands, yes everybody cares about you, yeah and whether or not you want them to, it's a chemical embrace that kicks you in the head to a pure sythentic sympathy that infuriates you totaly and a quiet lie that makes you want to scream and shout." -Elliot Smith- (Everybody cares,Everybody understands)
from hippytrash :
hey. give me a call when you get this. Xo
from kink-girl :
Sam you are crazy, you have friends here, trust me, once your out of highschool you'll find true friends. Everyone feels alone, whether they are or are not! I do all the time, and I freakin live with my boyfriend! Just remember you can never be truly happy with others until you are truly happy with yourself! Call me if you need someone to talk to, I'm always here for you and shit, and I hope you know that, I may not talk to you often, but I do care! LOVES YOU! Sarahxoxo
from guitarphreak :
Reading your diary is like reading about my life. Its scary how similar it is. Take care xoxox
from kink-girl :
hey hun! Sorry it took so long to hit ou back with a note! You're a sweetyyyyyyy! I am really sick right now I feel like I'm dying! Will you help me catch up in psych? I will love you forever and everrr! Anyways! I will hopefully see ya tomorrow lady! If I'm not dead by then! Sarah xoxo
from stefan :
i hope you are doing well. i really do. i know i'm not really a good person, and for that i'm sorry.
from samurai-9 :
well sami i no this is a change but i am no longer using this thing anymore, i have transfered 2 live journal becuz i thought it wud b a good idea, i miss u and i wish that i cud hang out with u as much as i can but i cant and that makes tyler sad:(...but the real question is y did i just go 2 third person all of a sudden...tyler is creeped out;);):P well sami tyler is very unhappy right now and it seems like everybody nos some of it but u r the only one i can tell the full extent of it, so u can read my lj account about recent events wen u read this....and tell my Pancho that he is missed as well and i hopfully will c u around christmas my Pancho, im stealing u from sami...thats right sami..SCANDALUS ill talk to u soon i hope, gimmie a call sometime and we can talk much love always Tyler.....this is 2 u 2 Pancho(K)(K)(K)3 kisses for my pancho:P
from thekungfujew :
I love you sam... Just remember that I do and always will
from hippytrash :
I care about you. I know I probally don't say it, but I do. I know I haven't been there as much as I should. Lately I've been distracted with other things and it's only got worse for me. Forgive me for not being the friend I should.

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