messages to stitchfish:
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from and-darling :
Haha, oh dear. I really do want children, but all of the crap (no pun intended...) you have to deal with during pregnancy-- and not to mention the good five years after, sounds a little frightening. Do you ever get people telling you you have a mother's glow?
from and-darling :
Your "pseudonym" approach to a diary is fairly similar to what I started in attempts at being true to myself. It always wields its way out of genuine pattern when I know someone else knows that I know. Hey, I wish you and your baby the best of luck, dear. You should give your baby a pen name too!
from catsoul :
here is a site about ginger. then look up the benefits of ginger, it gives other food ideas, like drinking ginger tea. =^..^=
from stuberosum :
Just felt like congratulating you again, which I have already done but I like the thought of this as a public record of it. God bless you and all your family, no matter how small they may be currently, and all the love and hugs you can handle :)
from jason75 :
congrats.. very exciting
from sekritsquirl :
you shouldn't worry, i do it to myself. and your right, i probably will never be happy in that aspect of my life, but thats alright...
from sekritsquirl :
i currently work at an elemen. school as an assistant teacher, i was also the school nurse for the end of the year. but i am going to school to become a neurosurgeon. so i still have like 10 years left, i have been going for four years so far. i love working with people :)
from sekritsquirl :
you work at a nursing home? do you like it? i used to volunteer at a nursing home called sunrise, i worked in the alzheimers unit...interesting to say the least!!!
from sekritsquirl :
how long have you been playing?
from sekritsquirl :
wanna know what works for me with the guitar thing. wheni first started playing, i used finger bandaids to help keep them from bleeding and cracking. it wont be to long before your fingers are calloused and able to play!
from sekritsquirl :
thanks :)
from sekritsquirl :
well so far this has been great. i am actually very new to this diary land thing...only had it for a couple days and i feel a bit better. Theres so many things that i feel like i cant even write down in a paper diary because someone might find it and read it where as here i can completely hide my identity and write about everything that urks me...i am glad that it has been good for you for so long.
from sekritsquirl :
fake names are good... have you tried a eliptical machine...those are my fav...i suck at treadmills but the elipticals are easier for me, maybe ther will be alright for you to!
from bexx :
Your deep~! -BExx
from penmaster :
thank you for all your encouragement. =) by the way, i like your layout. very vintage. it makes me wanna go shopping... hehehe
from iooi :
you're it
from final137 :
Thank you for your encouragement. It was enough to make me reconsider and post some of my later research work. I'm sure super-dorks everywhere will rejoice..haha.. Anyhow, thanks.
from penmaster :
sorry i didn't respond to your note sooner...anyway, thanks for visiting my diary. nurses are beautiful people.
from iooi :
hey, thanks! i like your fishbowl too.
from gracefilled :
Hey, thanks for the note you left me. I was just having a bad night. I feel MUCH better today? Thanks!
from f-i-n :
"....raking half disolved pills out of demented old ladies throats..." Wow. You are braver than me! I had fun reading.
from minstrelite :
Ah, I confused stitchfish with switchfoot. Nothing the similarities, I assumed you were merely listing yourself as a favorite, as is often done by some. Never fear, I too stuggle simply to make it in both a Christian and secular world, the divisions between the two becoming increasingly confusing as we approach Armageddon. But thanks for agreeing to check out my site.
from minstrelite :
Notifying D-Land for a help issue these days usually leads to no response whatsoever. But I'm curious: you have made it in both the secular and Christian art world? I'm not sure whether I am doing so, or not. You and I might have more in common that initially suspected:
from janinepooc :
stitchfish! thanks for the guestbook entry. you're too sweet. how's your life been?
from morbidalily :
Ms. Stitchfish, I want to thank you for addin me to your favs. I'm sorry I seem angry most of the time but that's when I'm the happiest...when I have something to rave about. I do enjoy your entries and I hope you continue to enjoy mine. Much love, Morbidalily @>---
from janinepooc :
Aww, thank you! :))
from janinepooc :
aww, thank you!
from wonderpeach :
thanx! I'll do that! ^^ it's great there are ppl like you in the world!
from janinepooc :
haha! what..the flamingo thing is true..oh CRAP. dood today im supposed to hang out with this kid...he's really hot and all, but he's definitely not a christian and we have nothing to talk about. so basically... i wanna get out of it. i dont wanna see flamingos for somebody who isnt right for me. but hey thanks, now i can be on the lookout for those pink gangly birds in the future!
from janinepooc :
hey there! i'm glad that verse helped you. God is the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me. i hope you continue to seek his comfort in your life. :) later on

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