messages to temek:
(click here to add new message):

from volcanic :
Hi, I don't know if you'll ever get this, but if you do, I'm desperately trying to get hold of dictation - if you have contact details for her could you please ask her to contact me - volcanic - via [email protected] Thankyou xx
from greatgadfly :
from greatgadfly :
Yo pimp, I haven't had a chance to get my stereo on, but tonight I should be stone cold chillin' up in my crib and I can listen to the rizzle shizzle you slapped down on my azz. Meanwhile, the CD design is FLY, boy.
from roxymarie02 :
hey I have a new diary... heaven02
from nastenka :
Thanks. Nerdy boys are the best.
from nastenka :
I do not taste like chicken, I thank you sir.
from ciulionn :
Oh you jump to conclusions so quickly, my dear. Your profile is wrong. I do still have an online crush on you and you ARE cool. Well, I'm a geek, so maybe I'm not the best judge, but the feeling is still the same.
from roxymarie02 :
Thanks so much for the comment, and thanks even more for the compliments... things are good right now, and I am just praying that's all I can really do. Thanks for reading.
from roxymarie02 :
Sounds like you had an interesting thing to write about. as always, great reading your diary.
from anx :
I miss the tongue. I want the tongue back. How dare you remove the tongue. I'm just shattered over this latest thing.
from barbicide43 :
temek...we have yet to meet...we should...
from transmigrate :
Revston...I'm not NOT writing you back, I'm just not ever in that online mood I used to be in 21 hours a day. I guess it's a good thing, right? Maybe if I could find the happy medium middle ground, everything would be perfect......I did see that I have an email from you, my email, however, refuses to let me view it. I am impatient. I was offered $20 to give a blow job in the back room of the bar last night.
from io- :
yes, yay for living in P-land and liking it. sorry for the confuser. have you been to the Franz bread bakery? Pure weirdness at night.
from io- :
from io- :
so, did you grow up in Portland(is a four letter word) or do you live near there now?... just curious y'know cause I caved in and am going there in a month.
from lillybet :
hey man, thanks for linking to me! curious, though...shunned? why for? do you have a connection to forest grove? all these oregon people. it's getting too weird.
from vagueanomaly :
Wow, first briareos, and now you, have made me a link right on your page. I feel so very special right now. Thanks!
from briareos :
I made you one of my favorites. I would have linked you off my main page, but you're not cute enough. Ha!
from io- :
yeah, no doubt... I just wanted to write to all of them and give them some nurturing help in one way, but they feed each others "sickness" in this way, where I just don't want to interfere... like if heroin users had their own support your habit group. Which god only knows must exist... they have the right, fundamentally. It just makes my heart hurt.
from transmigrate :
Is this birthday rumor true? Thanks for the note, chief. I'd leave you a more rousing, energetic, happier note if I weren't in such a horrible mood, and I didn't have to clean the entire apartment (by myself again) because some rich chumps are coming to look at the house at five. Oh Revston. Why don't YOU come be my roommate?
from vex :
Happy Birthday! ...I was going to send you an e-card from Amazon with the photograph of a little prairie dog raising his open fist aloft, because it is the funniest thing in the world, but it probably would've been mistaken for spam. But check it out some time. It's a PRAIRIE DOG. It is as godlike as it gets on this earth.
from io- :
I don't know if I want a GUESTBOOK! It sounds scary and like there would be an awful lot of space in there.
from eevviillgirl :
*s* Although your diary is full of kinda techincal 'net stuff (which I of course don't understand, because I'm a computer spaz).. I liked the layout. :) And you sound soo smart. Anyways.
from vex :
Oo, a note section! (Anx is cool. Thanks for the tip!) :}
from allthatsme :
I like your diary it is very interesting and definately not empty! Come check out mine some time if you want Later
from temek :
I'm leaving myself the first (and possibly only) note, so that this page isn't empty. LIKE MY LIFE! Heh...just kidding.

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