messages to the-la-story:
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from realthoughts :
hey, thanks for the email and for checking out my diary. are you really having that awful of a time in l.a.? it's, um, an intersting place, and sometimes it's weird to think that there's so many of out there, you know? anyways, good luck...
from soljah :
los angeles resident for 14 years, in love with the city. good to see others alike.
from realthoughts :
hey, i'm like you...23, recently moved to l.a., in the "real world" for the first time...
from roxychik148 :
don't worry -- i feel that same panic all of the time, too. i think it is just because we both worry too much?? i don't know, but what i do know is that i feel trapped a lot of the time, too, but i think it goes away =) good luck.
from rosytears :
Noo.. I meant how did you find it, as in asking for your opinion. Haha
from rosytears :
Woah..You added me to your favourites too.. I'm like.. so honoured.. Thanks! How did you find my diary?
from no-yes-maybe :
I followed your banner, you have a great diary.
from rosytears :
Hey I think your diary is wonderful and that your banner rocks too. I added you to my favorites on my profile. Just thought you might want to know how beautiful your writing is! *smiles widely*
from roxychik148 :
Hi =) I added you as one of my favorites as well. Thanx for leaving me a note! Thank you for your kind words. I'm glad I know that I'm not alone in some of the stuff I feel! Thanx for being there.... I will continue to read your diary =)
from moviegrrl :
you need to change your image url to - I moved to a different host last week! smooch Sas
from effiedallama :
You should be EVERY prod of yourself.. most people go on with life thinking "well i'll just keep eating the way I do bc I'll never change" and they are wrong.. congrates on not being one of those people also.. try thinglol as a lunch.. a fruit salad.. with your favorite fruits (such as watermelon[slices], grapes, apples[slices],,etc) and for an extra kick add about 2 tea spoons of your favorite yogurt... but I do cation you.. some fruits.. DONT mix will, lol. But hey if you want anymore Ideas Let me know.. my mom is a health food NUT! Also another hint: Eat AFTER you excrise bc your body is still working fast.. if you eat before.. you may get cramps or get really dizzy!
from veronica-- :
Hi, I just clicked on your name from the big updated list thats on the entry page for diaryland members, because I want to run away to LA, again. Thats about it. Then I read your past few enties and think "We have alot in common" but I'm probably wrong, I just thought I'd leave you a note. Take care, and you don't need to compare yourself to anyone.
from moviegrrl :
my server fell over!!! So i've moved the hosting of all images - they should all now start and then the name of the original image. Any problems give me a shout!!!
from moviegrrl :
glad you like it, and how very appropriate for your diary!!! *smooch*

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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