messages to thedonkey:
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from purplebanana :
I love your layout. LOVE it. Hee haw.
from justreviews :
Your review is up!
from nypizzas2 :
Congratulations on your driving test! :)
from acidreviews :
your review is up
from diaryreviews :
Glad you liked it. I try to be honesy and hopefully helpful in my reviews, and your diary was one of the best I've reviewed since I started back up, so, January. So, keep on truckin'. ~Vicky
from diaryreviews :
Your review is up at Re-reviews in thirty days. You can join the review-80 ring if you so choose. ~Vicky
from candora :
thank you for the smile you inspired :)
from gcgirlkyrie :
Hey i just wanted to say hi, i hate bugging people, and i feel nosey reading others diaries, but i figure they wouldnt be posted here if they werent meant to be read. My grandma has donkies, and your diary seems interesting. So yeah you seemed neat so i wanted to say hi.
from squirrelx :
Thank you for visitin' my diary. The message you left truly touched my heart. I realize that folks do suffer strokes and go on to lead happy lives, but I needed to be reminded of it, by someone who knew what they were talkin' about. With gratitude, Xtine P.S.: glad you enjoyed some of my links.
from uzbekistan :
Ooh, and did I mention I lived in Norwich for a year? The other diary I'm phasing out is It has all my Britain adventures.
from uzbekistan :
Ah, thanks for the note! How'd you stumble onto my humble little page?
from anifish :
That sounds like an interesting day. My mom used to say that it's nice to say to appreciate family reuinions because our family used to only get together at funerals, too. It's sad, but it's probably true for a lot of families...
from jmonkey :
I always like reading your diary. Good stuff here! It's so interesting because it's so different from my life I guess. Well, good luck with your operation! I'll read whatever you write about next time!
from jmonkey :
You're genius! I love your diary. I aspire to live adventurously! I've only been to the southeastern portion of the States and Belize. You're very lucky to live in Europe! I would die to go to Europe. You might think that sounds strange because you actually live there, but the sterile, fabricated "assembly line" of America is a DEATH TRAP!
from jmonkey :
Hi, donkey! I'm wondering what you do for a living because you seem to travel an awful lot. If I had money, that is ALL I would do!!!Oh, and Michael Jackson did grow up in Indiana. Gary, Indiana, or, as I like to call it, the armpit of humanity. (It was the murder capital of the "world" in the mid-90's.) What did you mean by "read Michael Moore?" I thought it might be one of your entry titles, but it was unclear. You know what? I was reading your entries with a Scottish accent in my head. How funny! Later!
from jopo4ains :
You an author? I love to read and if I read a book as interesting as your diary i'd be well chuffed. you're a dead good writer. Reming me of Mike Gayle you do.
from gulper :
It's refreshing to read a diary that's actually interesting. You should write more.

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