messages to threefifteen:
(click here to add new message):

from documented :
i miss you, bar. a lot. i really, really, really do. and i wish you believed me.
from documented :
bar, i don't plan on never talking to you again... not even close. i didn't even say anything was over. i said i still want you to be here. and i think that it would be best for you to be. and for some reason, my saying that you need to find a way to be happy within YOURSELF, instead of through me, is me saying that i don't care anymore... but i thought it meant just the opposite. i love you. - sar
from documented :
don't waste your time feeling scared. just look forward to amazing things & work towards your goals. you'll get tehre... and it will be beautiful. i love you, bar. <3, sar
from documented :
i loooooooooooove you, bar!
from emoshelley :
barry dosen't miss me! = (
from documented :
hiiii bar. i had lots of fun at the game last night! we ran & ate ice cream & sang songs. it was great! i hope to do it again sometime. you and shell are my two favorite people on planet earth. woo woo. <3, sar
from emoshelley :
i'm going to miss you so much when i'm gone. i'll try and talk to you a lot. and you will just have to play thps2 with sar until i get home..but i love you and i'll see you when i get back <3 shelley xox
from emoshelley :
hey barry barry, i think you're rad rad rad. wow wee. go go gadget robot arms!
from newyears :
my dog is giving me the saddest look ever. in other news, YOU'RE BARRY!
from documented :
i rule, you drool. actually, there's been no drooling... but i REALLY like to french you. hahahaha. <3, sar
from documented :
YOWZERS! you're H-O-T. literally. haha bar, nice note, eh? you're my supercool boyfriend and i love you so much. you ruuuuuuule. <3, sar
from documented :
to my dearest barry, when i think of thou...WOW! <3, sar [yes, i'm very aware of how greeting-card-cheesy that was.]
from emoshelley :
sorry about the below note. i forgot to log you out soo i did write it not you haha. soorrryyyy = ) <3 sister shelley
from threefifteen :
hey bar! yay! i'm the first one to sign your notes and maybe your guestbook too..i'm going there next. you rock bar! you dooo and i'm so glad you're here in the same house as me. its so much fun living with you. i enjoy it A LOT! i hope you like it down here and i hope my sucky parents aren't being to lame. i love you bar! who's the best brother-in-law ever? you are! you are! rock and roll bar! <3 shell

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