messages to tudor-diva:
(click here to add new message):

from poolagirl :
I clicked your banner and had a delightful visit! Anyone who loves Dave Barry AND the Alex Cross mysteries has to be cool!
from minstrelite :
I've been meaning to get back to you to thank you for your perceptive comment, then I realized in reading your entry that you, too, are a fellow theatre person. If you read me more closely, you'll find that approximately half of my entries refer to the homeless phenomenon, and the other half tend to go off on this musical I spent three years writing. I still haven't been able to convince anyone to produce it, but you know how that goes. It sits one someone's desk, somewhere in a stack of other scripts by other would-be's, hopefuls, and has-beens. It can be a hard business. In any case, I'm glad I ran into you, and I look forward to reading more.
from sinslaidbare :
MmmmMMMmmm, chili cheese tater tots. Now you've got me craving, and I honestly have no excuse, other than I'm just really prone to the power of suggestion. Sigh. ~Z
from pgn-mystique :
LOL - been there with my kiddies (still there, in fact). :o) Since we can't be in the room with our little monstahs every second, we have found quite a few things that help. Like bungee cords. Bungee cords are the greatest - we use them to secure my desk, the fridge and lots of other things around the house. Unfortunately the little plastic safety locks with the screws only slowed my son down, in order to stop him we had to resort to the bungees or gate the room off entirely (which is really only a temporary situation, but it's great while it lasts). I don't know what kind of dishwasher you have, but we have one that's on wheels and has to be hooked up to the sink for each wash, and we used to turn it with the dials facing the wall when the monstahs were smaller. Too bad we can't be everywhere at once (and weren't equipped with an extra set of hands per child). :o)
from newlywedblis :
Found you from your banner--thought I'd let you know. :) Entertaining read; I will certainly be back when I have more time.
from stagejunky70 :
mistress katie here.. my lady thou didst endeavor most ernestly impart thy knowledge unto thee as to thy proper conduct for ladies. Thou wilt not believe what opprotune circumstances have shined good fortune upon me since last I was in New Market. I have discovered the pleasures of the sea. I have many more adventures to impart to thee- I shall begin putting them in my new diary space under the name above.. Far the well. We shall see thee anon.
from beautiflntmr :
Wow. Um. I'd be really pissed at hubby too. Hubby needs to do some growing up, methinks. You seriously need to take him to task about it.
from my-lost-muse :
lol clicked your banner and here I am. My mind is always racing after i wake up before i go to bed and all the times in between that. so nope you're not alone. great site.
from beautiflntmr :
Hello. I stumbled across your diary upon clicking on your banner. I just thought I'd let you know I've been here and that I love your name. Long live the Renaissance!
from dana-elayne :
I bought my dad a plug in cooler/heater thing for the car/truck. My dad loved it. He travels for work so it was nice to keep his Coke nice and cool.
from pyroguysr :
Well, obviously, us rennies have to support one another! Good luck on your quests!
from sunnflower :
You're back! Hurray! Thanks for letting me know. You've been missed.
from bootkiller :
Welcome back! I missed you. The kid looks great. Take care!
from lorelai28 :
good luck! you have to post pics after you the baby, I love reading your updates, you always make me smile.
from sunnflower :
Sounds like you a having a great pregnancy. It is tiring and I'm glad you are getting some rest as you can. Enjoy this wonderful time!
from scottwinters :
oh no...what's this...a spider web and I'm caught in the middle...
from tattodnanny :
Dont' worry about not knowing about the surgery. I had no clue you was preggers, so we's even!! Congratulations, and how wonderful that everything is going well!
from bootkiller :
W00T! Congratulations, and welcome to the Cult of Baby! (You resist, but it's useless, really; that tiny life suddenly takes up all your attention and you can't help but brag about every tiny thing.) I'm so happy for you!
from sunnflower :
Fabulous news - congrats on being pregnant! It sounds like except for the puking you had a great time while he was home! Hope you are having a wonderful Easter weekend!
from dana-elayne :
Glad you had such a "productive" time while Tarik was home! Congratulations! :)
from girl-aflame :
Congratulations!!! Please keep us updated as you progress.
from anonadada72 :
4/6/04: Just a quick note to let you know that I've added you to my favorites list. I enjoy reading what you have to write, and I'm looking forward to reading more.
from bootkiller :
WooHoo! Preach it, sista! :-) (Have a good time in Vegas?)
from morrigen :
Happy birthday from one old goth girl to another!!!!Have a lovely day.
from girl-aflame :
Happy birthday!!
from bootkiller :
WooHoo! The Venetian is gorgeous, and it's a great place for street theater. Don't bother with any buffets aside from the Bellagio, though. And if you ride the gondolas, listen carefully to what the gondolier is singing. Ours sang the "Pie Jesu" from Andrew Lloyd Webber's Requiem. I had to ask who died...
from sunnflower :
Congrats on your theatrical success. It doesn't surprise me at all.
from bootkiller :
Tried the whole "sick baby" routine. Didn't faze the old bat in question; she just said, "Oh, I'm getting over a cold too, so it's okay." Truly, I wanted to get all Beowulf on her and hang trophies from the rafters. Maybe I should try lice next time, or scrapie. :-)
from sunnflower :
There you are. Dracula renditions are always a favorite with me. I think I've seen every movie version and read the book (of course). I hope you had a Merry Christmas.
from bootkiller :
Stay away from VeggieTales then, unless you want to live on Ringer's solution. ;-)
from morrigen :
No, I wouldn't giggle at your meat aversion. I went vegetarian 15 years ago for much the same reasons. No green eggs and ham for this little animal lover :)
from sunnflower :
Hope you have a good Thanksgiving.
from morrigen :
Good to have you back! That's a great photo, btw, and the costume looks gorgeous.
from sunnflower :
Good to have the update and hear about the perks of the overseas tour.
from sunnflower :
Fur Elise is a favorite piece of mine. I learned how to play the piano based on wanted to play Fur Elise for myself. I do wish you would consider adding a lovely guestbook to your site too.
from prowlingleo :
Time to udpate missy!
from sunnflower :
Dean Martin is great. Real mood music. Try the vocals of Chet Baker and a little of the orchestral renderings of Jackie Gleason too! Now that's some seriously cool mood.
from sunnflower :
I never know what interesting topic you'll be discussing in your diary next! I always love to visit here.
from sunnflower :
What a tuesday, dear tudor-diva. I hope the rest of the week turned out a bit better. At least you painted your nails.
from bootkiller :
If you're interested, I can dig up some actual no-foolin' Tudor-era recipes for ya! (They'll be from Spanish sources, but whatcha gonna do...)
from kittydevious :
*laugh* - I guess women just aren't taking it anymore from men. Brings a new meaning to the phrase: off with his head
from sunnflower :
I have often felt drawn to 32 flavors. I'm still thinking about all those songs! Don't feel guilty about the afternoon off - sometimes we just need a day off from work. Just an FYI - I noticed that when I tried to use your old and new back tabs they didn't work.
from gumphood :
Hi there. I did the 31 songs entry, but I only got to 24. Man.
from fuckyouviews :
Hi, this is Kate from Fuck You Reviews- e-mail gets forwarded to the owner, who is currently MIA, but I have made note of your request, and will be adding you to my pending list as soon as I can. Please keep the link up. Thank you.
from sombrengel :
Hallo, I love your diary, the layout rocks. I also think it's funny that you have my boyfriend's diary Vyktre, on your favorites list. Not many people dig the Latin Haiku. Anyway, I think the five random questions thing is cool, so if you want, I'm game.
from lealoo :
I love your layout! The colors are unique and sexy.
from mr-knowitall :
I hate Cherry Coke. But I like your diary. ~Rick
from girl-aflame :
I'd like to play 5 questions :-D
from bootkiller :
Okay, I've sent the questions again. If you don't get them, I'll put them in the notes section.
from bootkiller :
Yes, I did e-mail them, to the address that appears on your webpage. Should I use something else? i can put them in the notes if you like...
from sunnflower :
Wow - like the 31 songs entry!
from bootkiller :
Say, didja get the questions? Let me know if you didn't, and I'll send them again. I wonder how Mary Boleyn would respond to them? Hmmm.. fiendish thoughts here... :-)
from sunnflower :
Thanks, tudor-diva for adding my diary to your DLand faves!
from squishyvan :
Those are some of my very favorite songs too! :D
from gumphood :
Pretty valid I loved that entry about the songs. Maybe I shall do that. Who knows.....
from morrigen :
Wow, what a trip down memory lane! Alot of those songs are part of my life's soundtrack too. Music can often evoke feelings for me that I just can't access otherwise. Oh, and if you like Carl Orff, try Faure's requium mass, it's sublime.
from vivvianne :
hrm.. i feel for your banner.. that ex of your.. going for sex change... and blah blah blah yea.. kinda interesting.. you're diary too.. i enjoy reading it.. cheers!
from girl-aflame :
I didn't know you wrote erotica... coolness.
from sussitta :
hey. i enjoyed reading your diary a lot, so i'm adding you to my faves. :) if you don't mind, that is. oh, & mine's locked, but i'd be happy to give you a password. merci darling! :)
from antireviews :
hi i just made a new review site called antireview...funny name huh?...well i was wondering if u would mid being reviewed, or becoming a reviewer...if so just sign the guest book and let me know... thanks! ~ashley
from prowlingleo :
The new layout ROCKS! I love it!!!
from sunnflower :
interesting ex story.
from kbaa :
nah, its cool. :)
from sourkandi :
the letters contained in your entries are colored
from kbaa :
why would him being gay be the reason he got AIDS? you know, straight people can get AIDS too.
from zabihapork :
hey.. interesting diary ya got there.. outta curiousity, and not trying to pry into your life, but.. is tarik muslim?!
from osirisbed :
Hi, I fell for your banner and reading your entry spoke to me: we're about the same age, fun-gothy background, guys in skirts, yadda, yadda... I always dated the gender benders, still attracted to the types... was married to one of them (now best friends)... best part is a fav of his is Carly Simon, and there's the end of your entry! Best of luck to your friend, and stay in touch with him--these are the friendships that are forever!
from whovillian :
Hi I just came by your diary and I wanted to commend you on your support for your friend. I'm currently dating and in love with someone who is also going through the same operations as your friend. I'm finding out quickly that it a hard decision to make for them and they need friends' support and not all (surprise surprise) people out there have the compassion like you. Anyway, just wanted to send a hug your way..
from psy-vamp :
That was quite the reading. It's so great to hear from someone after they've been out of your life for so long. Closure is always a wonderful thing. I, too, am puzzled about how he loves being with women, but wants to change into one. That may make finding a date a little more difficult. He'll have to date lesbiens instead of straight girls, and straight girls tend to be more plentiful. But if that's his decision, I hope it all works out for the best. And good luck to you, too. =o)
from wio :
I'm starting to believe I need a bigger penis as well. Being that I don't have one and all. Very interesting about your ex "boyfriend"...or I guess whatever he would be now...
from heyjude85 :
the entry about your ex-boyfriend getting a sex change was very very interesting... I'm totally curious and I wanna hear more about him. I mean, being a straight woman, I'm so confused by it lol, call me jaded!
from eroticrr :
Hey sweetness, you're up! It's your turn for the next chapter. Read what we have so far, and please continue where we left off. Thanks!
from sombrengel :
just letting you know I took a glance through you dairy and really dig it :) I added you to my favorites
from sourkandi :
hey i noticed that the digits in your diary are coloredi was wondering how that is not exactly a whiz on comps.
from sunnflower :
Did you get some banners made? I would be happy to do one for you. I was thinking of - She Doth Rule. Let me know!
from leonmcphelps :
Thanks for adding me to your list. The Princess Bride is the awesomest movie in the history of awesome.
from prowlingleo :
Wishing you a happy 4th, and thank you for giving me a great read!
from prowlingleo :
Yes, you are my favorite dork :)
from mrhelmes :
just read your newest entry and completely sympathized. i am fighting to finish my masters, and am feeling like all the education in the world is still going to leave me unemployed come august. my husband is also a techno geek..either on the playstation or computer while i clean the house. ugh. but it will hopefully get better, right? and i can vouch for the fact that the anti-depresants don't help in the long term.
from prowlingleo :
I know this is officialy random guestbook signing week, but I'm making it a 'thank you for reading me' day. So here is me, thanking you, for continuing to read me.
from prowlingleo :
Silly puty rocks! Haha I haven't thought about that stuff in forever! Don't worry, I'll be around, here and there, still reading everyone every day twice a day!
from morrigen :
There is no harsher critic than one's self. You may not have achieved what you expected to when you were younger, but I bet the person you have become is richer for the things learned on the path you have trodden. You're one of the survivors - that is never failure.
from prowlingleo :
Well you know what? You're still perfect to me, you just have a not-so-perfect life. If everything was perfect, like would be pretty dull, don't ya think? I love you sweetie, hang in there.
from tattodnanny :
I pretty much can't take seriously any list of cult films that doesn't list RHPS as #1. C'mon. "Spinal Tap" may be funny...but I don't know anyone who has dressed up as the characters, and thrown rice at people. Plus...where the hell is "Heavenly Creatures"? on that list. bunch of savages made that list, I am sure.
from prowlingleo :
Have I told you lately that I love you? You are the wind beneath my wings. Yeah, listening to music ya sweetie!
from prowlingleo :
Hehe thanks for filling out my survey. Now that's drama! Since you asked, I created the survey mostly because of recent drama in my own life. I'm trying to get a feel for how others handle it, because I think I'm going about it the wrong way. Love ya!
from drunkencynic :
I guess the author of The Other Boleyn Girl took a lot of poetic license, such as the birth order of the siblings, and I don't recall any mention of Francois I, though in the book it was Anne in France. How strange. I didn't particularly like the book either, I found it much too fictionalized and gossippy for my taste, though admittedly I couldn't put it down once started. What got you started on this idea? What are your research sources? Do the dates correspond with actual occurences? It would seem that an undertaking like this would be daunting, as there are so many opportunities for historical mistakes and you ever get corrected? About the cast member thing- okay, I didn't know the whole story, I only thought the subject was one that should be handled delicately.
from prowlingleo :
See and I thought you were perfect...but when you badmouth pepsi! Actually, my addiction is Mountain-Dew, a pepsi coke over pepsi is okay...damn you really are perfect. Nighty night ;)
from morrigen :
I've only just started reading, both your's and Mary's diaries. yours is very interesting, and Mary is an absolute delight!
from prowlingleo :
My entry is already up about it!!!!!!!!! Eminem Wins the Oscar!
from girl-aflame :
Aww thanks :)
from prowlingleo :
*Kiss* You are too sweet. I was a featured site too, but I got 3:00am. The entire time I was featured I didn't get one hit hehe. Love ya ;)
from girl-aflame :
All the scary things in the world and now we have to worry about...ingesting MEAT?
from girl-aflame :
Hello. I checked out your homepage and the theatre company page. The theatre page looks really good! Good job for your first time - you said? The only thing is maybe you could add a subtle background (business type background..very very subtle, hardly noticeable at all, but just enough to give it a soft texture) and the font on the buttons is a little squished. Makes it slightly hard to read - but the hover effect is awesome! That's such a difficult piece of code. OnMouseOvers hardly ever work for me.. all that preloading. Ugh what a headache. Anyway I just wanted to tell you how nice and professional it looks...
from girl-aflame :
Ah hello! I couldn't remember what I had written last night at almost 2 in the morning.. *laughs* Your quote was sweeter than that Aerosmith song from Armageddon. I'm glad I know the URL of your real life diary now, it will help me keep the fantasy and the reality separated *laughs* You slip into character so well.. I was laughing so hard for about ten minutes at that Y shaped coffin thing...
from prowlingleo :
I think I will love this diary! It's more you, I like that. And yes, I would be upset too if all those people suddenly had other plans. A month notice is plenty, everything else should have been put off since it seemed everything else was last minute. Thanks for letting me know about this diary!
from lonely-tear :
>Foo Fighters >comments: Better than Nirvana ever was. I reckon Dave Grohl would band you from listening to his music if he heard you say that, you have to understand Nirvana to appriciate Foo Fighters. By the way, back to school fucking rocks doesn't it?

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