messages to ventricles:
(click here to add new message):

from puddleglumm :
from neuroticaa :
wow you have great tastes i just realized our profiles are practically identical.
from laili-6 :
enjoy yr diary a lot. funny stuff.
from puddleglumm :
undersexed AND underdressed.
from morrisey :
groovy. wasn't expecting that. ta very much.
from mid-haze :
holga looks cool. thumbs up :}
from babyshamble :
have you seen 'sixteen candles'?? x
from mid-haze :
thank you kindly :) I look up to your writing.
from marsita :
why is it "ventricles"? i have never hit a deer... there are no deer here.. by reading your favorite authors I would recommend Julio Cortazar "Rayuela" ... you might find it really interesting.. maybe there you canfind someone who feels the same as you about love.
from vamosajugar :
everyone loves battle scars. The pain makes you feel like you've accomplished something. And scars that are unique to your person make you feel special
from vamosajugar :
that reminds me of that ketchup commercial that went, "Becareful if you get Heinz ketchup on your finger. You might just want to eat that finger." that amused me
from puddleglumm :
i spent 6 hours on a bus to walk through a fraternity-infested barbecue, learn about 17th centru French comedian playwrights.
from puddleglumm :
oh let me wash your knees
from neuroticaa :
you have excellent taste.
from puddleglumm :
i wish i were a little french girl too, secretly of course. and i also wish i were jewish. (this is your first note; i wanted it to be special, but i don't think it turned out to be)

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