messages to whaton:
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from suta :
Thanks ^^ I should badly update it...but soon Ill have my own website, well "soon"...still making it. It's really sunny here right now, it's nice. How's the weather over there? what country do you live?
from suta :
art...hmmm...what art? especially the paintings and drawings and modern communication design...but I think I like everything. I want to become a famous illustrator...but don't think I will be =) I actually feel like painting right now hehe. I am busy with a giant landscape. there is some stuff over here (it's all pretty old already though...people moan for updates for pretty long already) how are you doing kiddo?
from suta :
mwuh...I did cultural and society studies at middle school...difficult to explain...cause dutch school systems work really different...but means that I had extra languages and a lot of cultural things, like geography, including the basic stuff, like maths and all. So first I wanted to be a life saving doctor..then found out that I didn't like science and stuff at all...then I wanted to study japanese and now I am here where I am now. Life is odd, isn't it. And to answer the question before...I play all kind of stuff... prefer stuff like Stairway to heaven or blackbird of the beatles...something more interesting to play...
from suta :
Right now my art school is totally occupying me. I never really have the time to play guitar anymore...electric or acoustic. I can play several things...but I really need to practise again. When finishing middle school when I was 18 I had to choose art, writing or music...choose art in the end, cause that's what I am best at. Still loving to write or play guitar =)
from suta :
hehe, you know what? I can actually play stairway to heaven....but don't play tabs...only notes =P didn't recognize it.
from theaterlife :
thanks for the comment ~ glad you liked that post :o)
from dinosaurorgy :
Haha, thanks. I thought it was funny, too. Actually.. it was something my mom called them a few years ago, and it's stuck with me ever since.
from flowertea :
thank you very much!
from rifrisido :
seems a little odd for somebody who goes and leaves notes on stranger's diaries to have a locked diary themselves...
from on-empty :
Hi just curious to see what you write after your note. Could I have the password? :) my email's makemeapologise@hotmail
from stellamane :
Heh, I go through the members' area all of the time. Well keep reading and I'll keep posting. -.:S*M:.
from stellamane :
Glad you enjoy the diary. I must ask though," How did you find the diary?"
from moosehunter :
Indeed In Flames do rock. Have you heard Dark Tranquility too? I can tell you they both beat Egyptian pop music by a couple of hundred light years...

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