messages to whitepigeon:
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from ernst :
The great Interpol flood of '05, who could forget it! That was insane/beautiful, and yes it was downtown (in fact...that may have the last rock show staged at the Grand Olympic Auditorium, a boxing arena built in 1924! Some Korean Evangelical Church owns it now, I think?)
from orangepeeler :
2024-07-23: a succulent list <3
from ernst :
Rootin' (w/a flurry of Trojan pom-pom shakes) for Big M, Pidge. Y'all hang in there, maximum love.
from orangepeeler :
*snort* I love your imp. Xx
from ernst :
You were always a bean-sneak!
from orangepeeler :
"biodegradable mini-marshmallow missiles" <3
from ernst :
Well, if I could afford an Edwardian 1st edition, you know it would be Conrad ('cause I'm *that* dude) and we'd prolly have to arm-wrassle for it. (A drinking contest could constitute an acceptable substitute? Or a stare down or holding one's breath or music fencing; my forward knee is shot.) Will def send you $20 worth of tokens though if you guys find an operational Spy Hunter in a dying mall arcade.
from ernst :
Those Kate Riley excerpts are hella intriguing and totally Pidge-y style-y. I too have never read Chodleros de Laclos' classic, but shall, and am super-stoked yer mom's found Wharton. As for my literary 2023? (Ralph Wiggum voice:) I read a story about Hamstel and Grebble!
from orangepeeler :
"Aging is a crock, but it's also a cauldron": love this entry.
from ernst :
Ooof, Amalfi. Was I working on that joint when we met? (I saw it in a montage on one of those Gordon Ramsey-yells-at-people shows the other day, where he was talking about the stiff fine-dining competition on La Brea and I was like, umm...?) Perfect fake liqueur name, though.
from ernst :
Yesss, Hob!! (Though I do endeavor to recommend him w/out spoilers/preconception. Which reminds me, I've got a spoiler-prone anime I want to recommend to you guys...)
from ernst :
So many answers to give here, so we'll go in reverse order over the course of three notes: First off, since we'd be meeting at Nat's Early Bite in Sherman Oaks, my BLT with Green Gartside would NOT be soggy. And OF COURSE I'd have a hundred questions. The most culturally relevant being, “When you wrote 'Perfect Way', did you realize you were writing every boy-band hit ever?”. But the most pressing being, “When did you stop wearing eyeliner, and do you think I should as well?”
from ernst :
Cocaine ghosts shamblin' through shameless sprinkler-sprays...I miss The Valley (sometimes).
from ernst :
Saw a thrift-store copy of the Rachel Papes w/the movie pic on the cover (ugh) and thought for a minute about a revisit...but let it lie instead in peace, in memory. Not sure which, if any, specific-to-my-own-era coming of age novels might hold up now or shine a new light in retrospect? (“Rules Of Attraction”? Too forthright. “Mysteries of Pittsburgh” maybe? Maybe.)
from raven72d :
Great Martin Amis thoughts.
from ernst :
Whispers into her girlfriend's ear at a party "Oh look that's David, very active in the theater...he comes from from toy-and-wallpaper money, you know."
from ernst :
David Sylvain represented a critical step in human progress, a final rung towards the end of the evolutionary ladder where, with the birth of Simon Le Bon, our species became fully realized.
from ernst :
I'd say our old 'nabe off Temple Street had an Ashcan School vibe (substitute errant 99₵ Store bags for dirty snowdrifts). And Venice strikes me as shamelessly neo-expressionist.
from raven72d :
Just discovered you! Great entries!
from ernst :
Don’t know if any part of this is informed by my “dancing-with-Andy Garcia’s-celebrity-girlfriend” anecdote…but I’m triangulating a cologne strategy/hypothesis accordingly.
from ernst :
Though his ghost is freshly-hatched, Davis has haunted me for years. One of the best, pourin' one on the (quartz) block.
from ernst :
If only Diaryland knew how much of your wardrobe is straight-up Chapterhouse mix-n-match...
from boombasticat :
Hey, it's possible you've already sent one my way, but any chance I could get a password?
from orangepeeler :
I see you're still writing here...
from boombasticat :
Hey, I'd love a password if one's available.
from orangepeeler :
white, pigeon
from orangepeeler :
Of course! Your username and password has been submitted. Lemme know if you have any problems accessing the site.
from orangepeeler :
still have those bananas?
from pettyquarrel :
Whenever I hear someone say po-mo, I laugh in his/her face. Even if he/she is on the TV. And whenever someone asks me how he/she looks in sunglasses, I tell the truth. "Like a FOOL MOTHERFUCKER." (I like your journal.)
from whitepigeon :
e, I killed your notes because they have your home fone #. but love, anyhow.

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