messages to whitetigress:
(click here to add new message):

from raven72d :
Happy 2008, girl!
from raven72d :
Do leave a note at Fort_Kanji at LJ...
from raven72d :
Do write soon.
from raven72d :
Is it still brutally hot in the Kanto?
from raven72d :
Yay, homeliners!
from raven72d :
I'm also Fort_Kanji at LJ... I just added you there.
from raven72d :
un/pw: raven72d/capybara... do write soon.
from raven72d :
Where are you these days?
from raven72d :
Do write soon....
from raven72d :
Where are you these days?
from raven72d :
Happy New Year, beautiful!
from raven72d :
What are your Christmas plans?
from raven72d :
Merry Christmas!
from raven72d :
So-- tell me about the world of kanji and you...
from raven72d :
I hope you'll write more...and stay in touch. I'd love a postcard from Japan.
from raven72d :
Glad to hear that Year 2 is going well...
from raven72d :
Why are you kicking cars?
from raven72d :
I miss hearing from you.
from raven72d :
Do write soon...
from raven72d :
Don't forget to send postcards... I hope we did get to successfully exchange addresses...
from raven72d :
Feel better, girl... and tell me about yakiniku...
from raven72d :
I think you have to lament their passing and let the times go...
from raven72d :
Do e-mail me sometime...
from raven72d :
I hope things are going well.
from sasori-gal :
Have fun at the elementary school! You'll be fine. Lots of demonstrations and gestures seem to get directions across easily. The decision to renew comes up quickly, huh? Although I thought I'd only be on JET for one year, obviously things changed along the way!! Stay warm and best wishes for the third term.
from raven72d :
Happy Year Six!
from raven72d :
Merry Xmas...or Kurisimasu!
from raven72d :
Ummm... did you send me a postcard from Osaka a week or two ago?
from raven72d :
Happy Japanese Thanksgiving!
from raven72d :
I like the idea of ABBA in Osaka. It has a vur' Kansai charm.
from raven72d :
What are you doing writing/art-wise this season?
from raven72d :
I've missed you, girl! Where have you been?
from raven72d :
Remember: Hokkaido! You must see Hakodate and Sapporo...
from raven72d :
Thanks, girl! You have an e-mail coming.
from raven72d :
Yay, being in Cipangu! Tell me about the JET program and where you are and how everything is going! Do stay in touch! (Send a postcard if you can)
from raven72d :
Ummm... new life?
from raven72d :
We all need talking kitchen utensils.
from raven72d :
Go read "Roads to Sata"! It's wonderful...
from raven72d :
Well-- Fujiwara: a name with historical resonance. I think Catalan is often spoken secretly there in Hakodate...It makes a good Rare Hokkaido Dialect. Have you read Alan Booth's "Roads to Sata"? It's...brilliant.
from jaydekitten :
The name generators says that I am Fujiwara (wisteria fields) Kumiko (eternal beautiful child). I rather like it I must say!
from raven72d :
The Japanese Name Generator says that my Official Japanese Name is...Eduardo de Guzman. I don't quite understand that.
from raven72d :
I'm impressed! Tell me all about the mini-flick... Where will you be going in Japan? Tell me all about that... My own summer is hot and humid... I'm working and dreaming of travel...
from sasori-gal :
Congratulations! I was curious as to your results. That would have been so cool if you were in Shizuoka since I will be moving there at the end of this month. Have a blast at the orientation in Tokyo! Please feel free to e-mail me if you have any questions or need any help once you get here. Live it up while you're getting ready to leave and eat all the foods that you're going to miss! Happy packing!
from raven72d :
How is the summer?
from raven72d :
from raven72d :
What was Krakow like? And...good luck on the film! I hope it goes well... Being utterly absorbed in filming or writing or *doing* something is always brilliant.
from raven72d :
What did you film?
from raven72d :
Tell me all about Krakow...and about the JET process!
from sasori-gal :
You're almost here! Being shortlisted IS good. I am almost certain that you'll be on JET. Even if for some reason, you are only chosen as an alternate, the chances of coming on JET are very high. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you!
from raven72d :
Sounds fun! I just wish I'd known earlier, so I could've enticed you into sending a postcard...
from raven72d :
Krakow! How did you get there? (It's a cool city, though..)
from raven72d :
how have you been?
from sasori-gal :
That's great that you made it to the interview stage! I'll keep my fingers crossed! When I ask people about their interviews, I can't believe how different each person's is. I'm sure your's went well. Good luck!

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