messages to wiccanlife:
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from mommylap :
I got the recipie from Martha Stewart, but I remember reading about Apples and onions together in Laura Ingalls books and stuff. Plus- stuffing with apples and onions in it together is really savory and delicous in game hens and stuff like that. I am glad to hear that the esp doesn't freak you out. Many people get tons of anxiety about that kind of stuff, and I'd hate to know you were troubled by it.
from fairy-autumn :
that recipie sounds absolutely yummy!!! I cant wait to give it a try!
from mommylap :
Actually I love apples and onions fried together! I have had them with pork chops (try squeezing juice from half an orange over it all) but not bacon. Now I am hungry and might have to make it .
from shoot-down :
thankyou so much! we go to RI sometimes & we have family in Mass. So definately; my family would love to do that. Thankyou!
from shoot-down :
hi! i came across your diary...well somehow! but my family is wiccan & we are looking for a good coven somewhere in ct or new england. i dont know if you live over here, but maybe. :D good luck with those kids.
from mommylap :
Your entry today was amazing! I totally know how you feel, but the way you expressed it had such clarity and lacked any sense of bitterness at all- only wonder at how this became of you. I get such a feeling of grace when I read you. Really a cool thing.
from witchy42 :
Thanks so much for your note!! Please, keep reading. But don't get too discouraged by all the teen-angst. It's normal right? I'm going to add you now, because you seem interesting. ^_^
from mommylap :
Hi there! Thanks for your note- now I get to explore your diary. I am so glad that mine has made you laugh. That's the best compliment.
from fairy-autumn :
Hi Nikki! I've had similar things happen too... I was grateful it was only my wrist!!! I've slugged a guy for grabbing my butt. Thankyou for adding me to your favs. I added you to mine as well. Looking forward to following along on your entries and getting to know a new person! (feel free to drop a line anytime!)

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