messages to witty-remark:
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from yellopenguin :
you're so good. felt that last entry in my bones. xox.
from friskyseal :
I'm excited about this project, I've always wanted to have full metaphysical-emotional editorial control. How does that even work? Let's delete that shirt, insert a dress—rewrite the childhood trauma. I'm glad my note reached you, I thought it might take years because this website is nonfunctional. I'm publishing again on Instagram, connect with me there? I'm having to fight for every follower, and it's painful.
from friskyseal :
We are living and dying. There is no one without the other. I really liked your entry. (I would replace the third ‘certainly’ due to the repetition diluting the effective wordplay between the first two uses, but I understand, writer’s choices and all that [And if you didn’t want an editor in your notes, just ignore me]).
from se7enchance :
It's a genuine shame your updates are so rare. A shame for all of us, I mean. Though it seems that 'rare' suits you. Cheers~
from secret-motel :
Wow, I love that picture. It's a beauty. And so are you.
from secret-motel :
That's an idea--if you're willing and able to pay obscene SF rent. I'm hanging on only because my landlord is merciful and hasn't raised my rent a penny in the 10+ years I've lived here. I'm not sure how much longer that is going to last. Then I think my options are Texas where my two friends live or Cape Disappointment where drinking and death live.
from secret-motel :
A hearty thumbs-up for jazz records and weekend chores in lingerie. I wish I lived across the way.
from secret-motel :
Deal. It's become quite the ghost town. (Funny. I accidentally left this on my own notes page as I'm a little tipsy and a lotta tired).
from secret-motel :
I'm glad you're still around.
from cdghost :
from the-prude :
I've been craving your words for the past God knows how long... I was so happy to see you in red... Your words brought sadness today... No body should go through that, no where... I send you love and positive energy to keep you going <3
from secret-motel :
Hey! Welcome back to writing.
from browndamask :
Benji Hughes , yes. So very good. As for the rest, I cannot say.
from the-prude :
It is time you share your beautiful words with us, dearest.
from imacannibal :
I am in love with you.
from secret-motel :
It's you, you, YOU! I've missed you. Yes, again.
from secret-motel :
I have been missing you and wondering about you. Glad to see you are back! And you ARE a force to be reckoned with--but I mean that in a completely different way than how your friend explained it.
from dizzigemini :
Hey. A few years ago I checked ur diary out but it seemed like a "food journal" with lots of pics of food. Which is fine. Yet now ur a few years older and ur writing has matured. U have grown up very well. Nice pics. U already know this, yet u have a pretty face.
from secret-motel :
I'm glad you enjoyed it. I had the recording on cd many years ago and, for some dumb reason, sold it. I really kick myself for not getting it on 10" vinyl, which was maybe under $20 when it was first released--and is now WAY more expensive now that it's out of print.
from annanotbob :
Thank you for reminding me of Billie x
from secret-motel :
"Down By Law" is really great, too.
from secret-motel :
Sorry about that. I was a little tipsy when I sent that last note. After your entry with the Nina Simone song. And it got me to thinking about the Screamin Jay Hawkins version and the way it's used throughout Stranger Than Paradise.
from secret-motel :
Please see "Stranger Than Paradise" by Jim Jarmusch.
from secret-motel :
You should have an entire music box concerto dedicated to you.
from secret-motel :
You are way too sweet and beautiful to ever be a third wheel. I'd take you over Colette any day. ANY day.
from lobo21 :
I so enjoyed your musing about seasons and change, thank you. Hope you are well.
from lobo21 :
I so enjoyed your musing about seasons and change, thank you. Hope you are well.
from foreveragain :
hey thanks! yr pretty swell yrself.
from lobo21 :
I like your comment on authors. Wandered in and was immediately taken by Aug. 6th entry. Very much liked you writing, if you don't mind would like to stop in again. Take care.
from secret-motel :
I'll always leave a light on for you.
from the-prude :
I totally agree with you about death. everyone's gonna die. sometimes you feel sadder when the person is young only because they didn't get to live long enough to see .. I actually don't know what it is we're sad they didn't see.. My grandfather passed away in March. I was getting ready for it for a while since he was sick, and I kept telling my self there's nothing to cry or be sad about... he lived a happy life, a life where he got to see his not only his grandchildren, but also his great-grandchildren... I didn't cry until i picked up the phone to call my father. he was chaos. it sucked to not be there for him.
from the-prude :
I can't read your diary anymore :( What do I use as a username/pass?
from secret-motel :
You have been missed by me.
from notunique :
hardly a nightmare. not a very fancy party, though.
from notunique :
I dreamed that I met you at a dinner party.
from secret-motel :
You know what? I like you, too. So much. I like reading you and looking at you in all your loveliness. And, yes, I've been attached to withdrawl for a long time. But it doesn't always feel nice. Sometimes it does, but not always.
from edgarfrog :
Have I told you I love you? Not just because you think I have the funniest (although pretty much retired) diary on Diaryland, but because you're the sexiest girl on Diaryland. Move to Las Vegas and marry me. I am good looking myself, as you can see if you visit my MySpace page. I am quite a catch.
from edgarfrog :
A two digit bank account? HA, that's nothing. Mine is consistently at 3 digits. Wait...Does a negative sign (-) count as a digit? You are sexy. Would you sport a FREE Whiskey For Kids shirt if I sent you one? I would want a photo of you wearing it to cover your boobs....And then a photo of your boobs uncovered, just for comparison's sake.
from edgarfrog :
Have I mentioned how sexy you are? Buy a Whiskey For Kids shirt.
from edgarfrog :
Plus, I saw your pictures, and it made me want to drill a hole in a wall and print out a photo of your face, cut a hole in your mouth, and tape the photo over the hole in the wall so I could make sweet love to the wall. Would you be interested in writing a Women's Lib entry? You're just so damn cute and cuddly, I think it's maybe time for my very first Women's Lib entry in damn near 5 years.
from edgarfrog :
Cool. I just noticed that my diary is one of the funniest diaries that you have ever come across. You may be happy to know that I am still alive. And I still play with my balls daily. And vomit. I just don't write about it so much anymore. Be my MySpace friend.
from secret-motel :
Happy belated Canada Day! Btw, I agree with the previous poster. You really are gorgeous the way you are.
from curious-me :
EAT!!!!! You are Gorgeous the way you are, I really do pray you realize that. You are a stunning girl and do not need to do this to yourself!
from secret-motel :
I'm glad you feel that way. It's comforting to have you along for the ride.
from errantnights :
stop it
from secret-motel :
Wow. You light up every photograph in which you appear.
from secret-motel :
Very nice video. I hope Iran has a bright future.
from solitaryblue :
i would read your diary but looking at those pictures makes me incredibly hungry.
from curious-me :
Came across your diary randomly - read the whole thing over a couple days. Just wanted to say that you write beautifully! Wow! You definitely have a talent...and your pictures are amazing. Oh and you, yourself are gorgeous - I do hope you realize that! Take care.
from the-prude :
Will you teach me how to bake? do you enjoy cooking as much as baking? I also love your photography <3
from errantnights :
less gross.
from the-prude :
It's rather sad to see what we have come to as humans. the worlds selfishness, and disregard. I recall crying on a plane leaving Boston to Canada after my "march break" .. I was crying because I was going to miss my cousin.. I noticed one man looking at me when we were taking off.. and when we landed, we met again... he approached me, put his hand on my shoulder and said "It wasn't that bad now, was it?" it was cute.. he thought I was afraid of flying. This is us just crying in public... There are stories of young ladies getting *raped* in broad daylight, with people passing by and not saying a word..!
from errantnights :
from secret-motel :
I'll knock out a wall. My landlord will love it.
from secret-motel :
You are so lovely. Come. Come to Harold.
from blujeans-uk :
Gorgeous boots!
from hijayxx :
Hm, maybe you should rediscover what joy life can bring. I highly recommend "Veronica decides to die" by Paulo Coelho, it was a good read for me when I was shattered.
from annanotbob :
I love your diary. Beautiful pictures and poetic, concise prose. Thank you for sharing xx
from laciedawn :
re: 2:10 p.m. - Monday, Dec. 15, 2008 I thought your pictures were lovely and so, as I was trailing through your entries, I found one about a pumkin; this is my attempt to pull you out of the muck. And so we exist! Don't let go of your dreams and aspirations. If you do you will cease to exist. -Thoreau have a lovely day.
from errantnights :
i like that you take a lot of pictures
from darthuae :
hi, i'm glad i found my generation here. i'm glad we haven't all been shot in the mind. [just thought i'd drop a note.]
from annanotbob :
Just read your pumpkin entry so called in to say hello. Wrote you a very witty note then accidentally deleted it and now can't be arsed. You write beautifully but what's all this bollocks about being fat (or even 'fat')? Happy new year x
from jjiill :
I won't let them know that you know. I found my old diaryland a couple months ago and read every single whiney, self depricating entry and then I remembered yours and woop! I had to find you on the inter-web somehow.
from jjiill :
Guess who? I didn't forget. Well, I did for a while.
from lanienaked :
since u said to leave u a note (3 entries ago).... i cheated through high school, and college... (i'm in my last year) and i don't regret one bit!
from blujeans-uk :
I read your pumpkin missive. My note is this: I would rather have my fist inside a pumpkin than be forced to rub my dry palm across carpet. Take care x
from and-darling :
"Yasmin" like "Yasmin" or like "Jasmin"? I knew a Yasmin-Jasmin once. Don't think she particularly liked me, but at that time no body did, really. Ah hah. Kinda spotty for the first thing to say to someone, I know, but-- I somehow feel like you'd make sense of it, you know?-- beyond the fact that I sucked hard core in grade eight.
from phinshaker :
hello. nothing much to say except that you wanted something said. I like to help out especially when the request didn't involve much on my part. happy blogging.
from purplepostit :
i would like to say congrats for being one of the only four people on diaryland who have millions listed as their favorite movies. yay.
from rae-was-here :
You left me a note, like 8676987 years ago. So I will leave you a note, like 8676987 years later. Kbye.
from toiletrees :
OH SHIT. MY NAME IS YASMIN TOO. NO ONE ever fucking remembers or says it right. On top of everything, EVERYTHING, one remembers my name!
from maxsmom :
you're interesting..... my goal is to be the wacky neighbor on a crappy sit-com (i.e. urkel on family matters, mrs.pool on the Hogan Family, Kramer on Seinfeld, gladys kravitz on bewitched-- you get the picture..... although you're probably too young for most of those references.... how about kimmy gibbler on full house)
from tool-face :
ahhhhhhhh umm Jillllly poops leaves tongiht? and I just got that? ruh-oh. buttttt maybe me and you could play one day?
from explodethis :
OMGz. I so0o0o0oo0o read your diary!!1 it's lyke soo0o0o K3WT.
from witty-remark :
You're a lamer.

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