lanie lourel

used to write under "annachan"

my diary is no longer locked but i might lock it again later on

i'm constantly looking for good reads but why is it that every time i add someone under my favorites, they stop writing? D:<

My favorite diaries:

xnamehere profile - diary
comments: probably more like me than i realized
blazingstar profile - diary
mixedup profile - diary
somstar profile - diary
eatmorepizza profile - diary
simplysex profile - diary
going-down- profile - diary
pikchick profile - diary
doing-it profile - diary
addict-in-me profile - diary
juicymuchx profile - diary
long-silence profile - diary
katrinaox profile - diary
look-nowhere profile - diary
notlikeyoudo profile - diary
onmyquest profile - diary
sacredspiral profile - diary
home-of-d profile - diary
para-doxical profile - diary
xokaythenx profile - diary
realthoughts profile - diary
acuteapathy profile - diary
jezabel211 profile - diary
idontpretend profile - diary
lostasyou profile - diary
tinea profile - diary
ping-island profile - diary
silver4 profile - diary
englishsucks profile - diary
warmntoasty- profile - diary

My favorite music:

death cab for cutie
comments: i am waiting for you to flee the scene/ as if you held in your hand the smoking gun/ and on the floor lay the one who set you up
jimmy eat world
comments: i can't help it baby this is who i am/ i'm sorry but i can't just go turn off how i feel
ayumi hamasaki
comments: bokutachi wa shiawase ni naru tame kono tabiji o yukun da
maroon 5
comments: but things just get so crazy living life gets hard to do/ sunday morning rain is falling and i'm calling out to you
something corporate
comments: at cavanaugh park where i used to think that this life would be good/ and i would do things that i thought that i should and no one's gonna tear me down

My favorite movies:

My favorite authors:

linda howard
comments: she used to be so good!! but all her recent books are misses
sabrina jeffries
comments: haven't read a book i haven't like

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last updated: 2023-02-08 01:23:24
this user's total entries: 528
user since: 2003-11-26

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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