messages to xslayne:
(click here to add new message):

from myphantoms :
this still works?
from surgam :
cough cough. id like to thank my influences. so thank you.
from killingjar :
hey, where the hell is dauphin island??? it sucks that i'm a little too broke for a vacation, but if you wanted to swing by new york there are tons of places to go and things to make fun of...
from xbrokenties :
i'm dumb. i need your help with some html stuff. i'm glad to see an update. it's been a long time comming. i need to get my shit together...
from honestlyou :
Hey, I got your diary mixed up with another diary. So I see all you have to do is leave the password/username. So don't pay attention to all that other crap - I've just had a hard time getting the person to do the right thing.
from honestlyou :
Your diary is locked. I can't review it locked. Okay, here's how it goes. You put a link up, you request, and IF your diary is locked you email the username/password to switchstance5 at yahoo to com IF you would rather not leave a note. But a note would be preferred since I don't check that account much.
from mangojam :
Hey, are you still looking to be reviewed ? If so message me back and I'll have you reviewed within a few days. Please remember to link though. Let me know anyway.
from honestlyou :
you need a link.
from honestlyou :
you're locked. i can't review since i can't get in.
from xbrokenties :
Are you staying locked up? If so, are you offering the key.. -me
from xbrokenties :
Hey. Are you online? I've been trying to get in touch with you for days. Let me know something...
from killingjar :
u:killing, p:jar .....not much in it though.
from brokenhands :
brokenhands is a public diary. you should write in brokenhands. the idea is stream of consciousness writing. no editing or backspacing. if you do write something there, let me know and i'll add you to the prestigious/purple older.html page. love, kirk
from killingjar :
im so glad youre back
from feio :
when can i read your diary? [email protected]
from xbrokenties :
There is just something about New Year's Eve that I hate. Next year we have to break this mold.
from sadreminder :
Hopefully it will blow my skirt up, hopefully.. PS This note has zero point, just replying to make me feel like I've got buddies and attempt to thank you for the note. Thank you.
from m6twenty3 :
np. we have a couple of favourite reads in common. thank you for your kind words :p
from sadreminder :
Thanks for the tips. However, I believe I will have to settle for being mediocre. Hey, I don't mind. Hope all is well with you, doll.
from sadreminder :
Haha...great? I'm not so sure about great. The jury's still out on that one. But I'm tryin' so thanks. You, on the other hand my dear, have far surpassed me in the greatness category. Got any tips for me?
from magickmaven :
"Serendipity," w/John Cusack, one of the best movies ever. Or at least a really good one. And hey, it'll all be alright. Everyone, young or old, we're all just trying to find ourselves, and figure it all out. You're not alone. <3 & hugs.
from sadreminder :
Late birthday wishes perhaps but I'm thankful none the less. And I'm continuing the cycle of lateness in me taking my precious time to get back to this note. Or Diaryland, for that matter. Anyways, thanks again. Here's to both of us making it to eighteen.
from killingjar :
and PS you're never on AIM or anything anymore. give me a screename or a number to reach you at for the next time one of us is stoned and lonely or something.
from killingjar :
YES lots and lots and lots of water. buckets of it. because the reason hangovers are so bad is because of dehydration and everything. aw i wish i was there so i could take care of you, i hate it when people get sick. thank you for saying what you said. just thank you. i don't think i've told you that i read you every time you update but it's true and you're so honest that i never really know what to say except that you need to come to new york, please, now any time, because most of the time it seems that you're the only one who REALLY gets it, and we could smoke some wicked pot. love, love, and more love.
from savage-elegy :
I used to listen to "images and words" by dream theater to pass the time, to pass my mind. This was over 10 years ago, just mentioning it has me wandering what happened to that, well, tape at the time.
from magickmaven :
Hey! Good to see you're back! Things are moderately on the up and up. I'm quite enjoying being free and clear at the moment, and life is relatively good. How are things with you?
from killingjar :
i'm perpetually stuck in joy division - it's a good place to be. right now, though, is lots of belle & sebastian and the arcade fire for me. you NEED to get some arcade fire right now, they might be your new favorite band.
from judging :
Actually you're entry is incorrect. You can always do an absentee ballot. In Sacramento, California the Republicans and Democrats have a phone number a voter could call if they need a ride to a polling place.
from feio :
what kind of car are you getting?! I'm so proud of you!
from feio :
*for NOT doing
from feio :
i'm glad you're doing well and that the fair was really fun. i went last night and ended up getting quite green in the face, so we left a bit early... and by the way, good on you for doing that filthy drug. it's blissful because the next day is god fucking awful and it's HORRIBLE for your brain/body. tell your friends to be careful.
from brokenties :
Carpet burn? Umm. I'm don't remember. I hope everything goes good for you tonight. Anyways that was a great story. I'm going to send you these carrots. Stay beautiful. "You know you were always my favorite. I've always been impressed." All apologies. LMAO and moo cows. Turtle, turtle, -L
from brokenties :
umm... GOCKC and we continue to resume play. After 20+ shots of Vodka this words come. I tried to call but got no answer. I hope you know that I miss you and think of you a large portion of the day. I know what you're going through is tough. I understand how you feel. I want you to always rememeber I fucking heart you. It is hard for me to type out what I feel, but now I know how important you are to me. You know if you need anything you can always ask. I hope to talk to you later. I heart you forever... Later date and time, Later date and time. Moo Cows and the carrots still in the fridge, =Lincoln
from brokenties :
Even though I'm gone. YOu're not alone. We have to be there for each other. These are tough times, but keep in mind, that one day we will be free. I miss you more than you could know. Stay strong thoughout the winter. This Spring is going to bring warmer days. I understand your situation. I care and I will do anything for you. You know that. I heart you and hope you have a great week. -L
from feio :
yes, the fair. i will be there saturday night with a group of friends.
from feio :
i'm glad you're back. when are we going to hang out?
from sadreminder :
I know all too well what you mean.
from sadreminder :
It's good to know I'm in good company in the state I'm in or have been in. I'm not even sure what goes on in this life anymore. I missed you and your entries terribly. Was a tad bit worried but girls like us, we'll make it through "this" day. Whatever "this" is...
from confrere :
It looks really nice and elegant. I can't tell what color your eye is, though.
from confrere :
Really? It's beautiful. It almost looks like a drawing.
from confrere :
It's a really nice layout. The boxedfury one is good, too. My lj address is
from confrere :
Haha, that wasn't THAT weird ;) I didn't know you had my lj address.
from confrere :
Aww, I love weird notes. I'm glad you're back. I'm using livejournal until I feel like coming back here.
from killingjar :
added, BITCH!

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