messages to yeoshuling:
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from racerace89 :
Hi Shu Ling, nice entry. Very touching, free flow of emotions. Believe in God and yourself always. If God puts you in it, He will put you through it. Blessed are those who have persevered.----Remember you are someone special.
from lightedpath :
Hello! Lighted Path is now up and running! You are more than welcome to come and add your site to our Christian Directory! Can't wait to see what God does in and through us as we all work together! - with much love, Christy
from sweet-indigo :
btw, I like your diary. Neat reading, I like how you direct everything to God, I wish I did that more :)
from sweet-indigo :
Hiya. Thanks for taking my survey. As to 'weird bunch of followers', it was slightly flippant of me to call Christians that, I confess :) However - firstly, I wrote that survey with an experience of knowing lots of Christians who differ enormously, some who believe avidly things I think are silly (not saying they are), some who practice their faith in a way completely alien to me (not that this is wrong, just that it is strange to me!)... Also to the rest of the world, we are pretty weird, even without our own little quirks. Jesus seemed to break every unwritten law of living, he didn't stick with his steady job, he didn't appease the authorities, he didn't pick the 'right' people to have on his team, and he told them to preach an amazing and groundbreaking message which must have seemed pretty weird to the people who heard it (as it still seems odd to people today!). Christians who follow Jesus whole-heartedly do not follow this world's 'rules'. The world would consider them weird, even crazy. But who cares? We've got something better than the world's approval. Sorry if I offended you by my wording.
from andrewlee :
Hey Shu Ling, Thanks for your concern! I am still very much in control of myself, haha... Yah, thank God that I am now feeling really fine. In his way and timing, I am sure I can leave everything in his hands and trust him. We should no doubt be thankful that we know the true and living God. This period of Lent, let us know that God's love bore our sins on the cross on Good Friday. Anyway, thanks for your encouragement! Hope you are doing fine yourself!
from brickbear :
Heyz.You long time never update liao so never tell you I change nick lor.Hehe.Like my template?Pls update often hor.Dun say liao.Got school 2ml.Booz.Gtg
from mskittles :
heehee.the first part was pretty funny. anywayz see you on wednesday.
from andrewlee :
Dear Shuling, Well, it is encouraging to know that there are people still reading my diary, Haha. I think that writing a diary is useful in helping you to sort out your thoughts and see things in a better perspective. Thank you for visiting my diary. May God be with you.
from pillarc :
heh, am a reader of ur diary entry sometimes.. just glad to know u. :)

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