A Curious Girl

'She's not odd, she's just - what's a nice word for crazy?'

I'm Helen, I'm English, I'm at University, I'm a Christian, But don't ask which denomination: I haven't a clue. I think too much, I have hermitish tendencies, I have a sardonic sense of humour that gets me in trouble, and I like to be hugged.

My favorite diaries:

widescreen profile - diary
comments: My sister :D She's the best!!! And such a good writer. I get confused when people say they hate their sister... Nicky's the greatest!
glassfae profile - diary
comments: Norah's poetry. She is a kick-ass poet (erm... that means good ;) )
hardrain profile - diary
comments: She writes about her love for animals and many of the people about her; very good writer.
randomly profile - diary
comments: I don't know where Nim is now but if anyone does know, please tell me.
arthursmummy profile - diary
comments: Alice is a mummy now
alicesbaby profile - diary
comments: Alice's pregnancy diary
sporkqueen profile - diary
comments: Julie vanished to livejournals. this is here until I remember to find a link to her livejournal. I used to be the sort of person who refused to read livejournals.
hsiutime profile - diary
comments: Very funny indeed, she's an interesting and witty writer.
maryboleyn profile - diary
comments: She doth write such witty and amusing things, for a Tudor diary thou canst not beat it.
onyx-cherub profile - diary
comments: Norah, what an angel :) An intelligent and interesting person, she's lovely to speak to any day. Her poetry rocks my socks.
yeoshuling profile - diary
comments: She directs everything that happens back to God. It's lovely. I like her entries, she's a sensible Christian.
ukulelegirl profile - diary
comments: She got the Adrian Plass reference in my christian2 survey, she seems cool, and she thinks she might be me :D
funky--dory profile - diary
comments: She's cool.
mr-knowitall profile - diary
comments: Rick: a thoughtful person, although I'm not mad about Bush, sorry :)
theswordsman profile - diary
comments: Pretty cool stuff. He seems like a really nice guy.
teachin-usa profile - diary
comments: found this a while ago, she seems really interesting.
risingfaith profile - diary
comments: Interesting diary, looking forward to reading more :)
wvbeetlebug profile - diary

My favorite music:

comments: Charles Wesley may be dead but didn't he write the best hymns?
Don McLean
comments: Wonderful...
Chris de Burgh
comments: Original and interesting... his best songs are actually his less well-known ones.
Simon and Garfunkel
comments: Simon has the words, the guitar, the lovely voice, and the talent. Garfunkel has the lovely voice. A perfect team :D
comments: Who doesn't love Queen?

My favorite movies:

The Labyrinth
comments: 'My will is as strong as yours and my kingdom is great. You have no power over me.'
A Muppet Christmas Carol
comments: I watch this every Christmas. It's great.
Monty Python and the Holy Grail
comments: 'Cut down all the trees in the forest... with a herring!'
Life of Brian
comments: 'Wodger?' 'He's a wobber!' 'And a wapist!' 'And a pickpocket!' 'Shut up.'

My favorite authors:

Isaac Asimov
comments: "What's the point of being a writer if I share my deepest thoughts and emotions with a mere diary?" - The Early Asimov
Terry Pratchett
comments: "A poster urged people to Dig for Victory, if it were some kind of turnip." - Johnny and the Bomb
J. K. Rowling
comments: "Every child in our world will know his name!" - Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
Adrian Plass
comments: "She condemns wine-gums for their 'intoxicant potential'!" - The Sacred Diary of Adrian Plass aged 37 3/4
comments: And his children - see especially the Bible, Adrian Plass, Steve Mawston, Beth Redman, Brother Andrew, C. S. Lewis etc. etc. etc.

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last updated: 2007-07-25 06:34:08
this user's total entries: 749
user since: 2000-10-24

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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