messages to sweet-indigo:
(click here to add new message):

from donedrifting :
That is so sweet what you said - and I guess it makes a lot of sense too. Thank you for those lovely words, you made me shed a few tears lol :)
from donedrifting :
*snigger* ;) But I've decided now that I do like parsnips, the ones I had before must have been out of season or something.
from donedrifting :
sorry I took such a long break from updating, although I guess you can sort of understand why ;) Anyway, I'm back with a vengeance, and I'll see you on Sunday! ;)
from candoor :
cute, cuddly, and innocent?... are you stuffed? :)
from miedema2002 :
Hi, I was risingfaith, but now I have gone back to my original diary miedema2002. Bye.
from anniedontcry :
please give me a hug! :) *see journal*
from heavenly09 :
just browse your know you're a christian but no idea what denomination? anyway, its perfectly fine as long as you love Jesus...if not don't ever mention anymore you are a Christian, ok? You'll make many confuse of that idea. By the way...hope you won't get me wrong...I don't want to offend you...I can be your friend...
from wvbeetlebug :
You're welcome. I don't get to do much posting or reading here either, as you can tell from my last post made a few months back. :O)
from wvbeetlebug :
I like your diary. You write well and the layout is pleasing to the eye. Of course I am partial to purple.
from ukulelegirl :
hehe, I'm here recommending reading AGAIN! Only I read your entry about Dickens. I actualy managed to get through an English degree without ever reading any (no, actually, that's a lie, I read Pictures of Italy which was marvellous). As a child I had read Christmas Carol, and I did read the whole of Great Expectations aged 13, and loved it. However, having got to the end, the thought of ever starting another tome that size was just too daunting! But this summer, I read David Copperfield. Wow. I had forgotten just how stunningly amazing Dickens' writing is. At the end of the book I actually missed all the characters and wanted to have my daily fix of finding out about their lives! I think the secret is to have enough free time ahead to know you'll be able to finish the book. I've resolved to read another every summer. The Pickwick Papers are next on my list...
from ukulelegirl :
Just dropping by to recommend some reading - I bet you've already read CS Lewis's The Great Divorce, but in your current thinking about Hell I suggest you read it again. It really challenges most views about hell without getting rid of its existence altogether. Its one of those books I try to read at least twice a month anyway!
from funky--dory :
Serenity is amazing, although I think that while I'd be certain it's enjoyable even if you haven't seen Firefly, it's probably better if you have.
from teachin-usa :
yes, I have been riddled with html problems since late klast night. will try to fix today-sorry!
from k1ttykat :
Ooh! I'd not realised you have a sci-fi interest. Have you seen Firefly? And even more importantly, are you planning on seeing Serenity when it comes out at the cinema?
from theswordsman :
Thank you for another sweet note. I'm not nrmally a banner guy. After a couple of days, I decided to start using them as public service announcements to wish people a good day or to remember to talk like a pirate. People clicked on them anyway, but that wasn't my intention. Take care. John
from theswordsman :
Thanks for stopping by. I had the idea at work, and since I've never had an idea at work before, I thought I'd better do something about it in case it doesn't happen again:) Take care. John
from k1ttykat :
I'm definitely relieved and I was noticing that weird drop in results in the people I know but not according to the media.
from k1ttykat :
I met a very tall James this week. I don't think his surname was Murphy. He was VERY tall though.
from k1ttykat :
Slow on the uptake me >_< Is always fun to look out for people though :)
from hsiutime :
Oh! I am sorry - I wrote an entry about locking it but I guess didn't leave the diary public for long enough. I will give you an access password ASAP!
from k1ttykat :
I do go to Hillsong but I'm not sure if I know James. James who? Maybe I will meet him :)
from hsiutime :
On the other hand, how can we avoid using computers? Journals do not accept hand-written articles, publishers do not accept (I'm sure) hand-written manuscripts, and professors demand that papers by typed, double-spaced, 12 font Times New Roman. Presentations have to be in Powerpoint. A lack of good research skills - yes, excessive use of computers do contribute to that. When students turn in papers referencing Google searches and not archival material gathered at the library, that's a problem. But "computers = dumb" is such a fatuous statement. Oh, sensationalist media. How you sadden me!
from k1ttykat :
*slaps forehead* I thought I replied to everyone who was sweet enough to wish me a happy birthday, turns out not. I also haven't written my thank you letters yet *sigh* Anywaaaaaay - thank you for your little messgae, it was very sweet of you :)
from onyx-cherub :
<3 Hey doll! I'm so sorry I haven't been around lately. I miss you. How're you doing? Tell me all about your life right now. Take care. *kisskiss*
from pink-circle :
{Circle Invite} On behalf of the circle, I invite you to join our writer's group. I have noticed your shown interest in poetry/writing. If you are interested, please note back. :) ~Circle Counsil
from ukulelegirl :
Hey, we're doing the Purpose Driven Life at our church too!! Do we secretly know each other?! ;)
from widescreen :
What's your msn address? I'm on MSN all the time I'm on my computer here, so if you're around too we can chat!
from k1ttykat :
I no way could you be the crappiest. I'm pretty convinced the majority is like that. I know I find it well nigh impossible to ever say anything without sweaty palms and red cheeks. Heck, one of my ministers has said he feels like that at times. We're all crappy ;)
from k1ttykat :
One of my favourite words is vacillating :) And that was one of my more pointless comments...
from ukulelegirl :
Hey, I'm Albus Dumbledore!! (INFJ) How very great. Thanks for that one :)
from mr-knowitall :
gliberati... haha
from cailliath :
Hey there. I recently stumbled upon your diary and have had as good a read in an hour as I could! I love your diary and I love reading your thoughts on everything. Very refreshing. Have had to add you to my faves because I was so impressed! Thanks!
from ukulelegirl :
Hello! I'm back! (betcha didn't know I'd gone anywhere, but a week away from the internet feels like leaving society ;) ) Anyway, your last entry made me think of Pygmalion - the original play by George Bernard Shaw, rather than the musical My Fair Lady. Have you ever seen/read it?
from kishijoten :
oooops, im so sorry i forgot this comment *smacks self* I'm now living in Chelmsford, in my own leetle attic room :))) its lovely :)
from k1ttykat :
Hey, I just took your surveys on Christianity, then browsed some random entries of your diary. You strike me as a very interesting person who strives hard and isn't willing to take the easy answer; I admire that. On some levels I see similarities between you and myself at 20 (I'm 22 so not long ago) but I think you're definitely more level-headed and intelligent about just 'being' than I was! Plus, one of the people on your buddy list is on mine too and that's always fun to see! I'll be hanging around :) Kati xx
from onyx-cherub :
thank youuuuuuu!!! <333
from onyx-cherub :
i love youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!! *bounces up and down and hugs you*
from onyx-cherub :
i think you're beautiful.
from candora :
wonderful words, much enjoyment, thanks :)
from bother :
thanks for that.
from purplebanana :
Just wanted to say that I really enjoyed your survey on Christianity, particularly the answers people gave about homosexuality. It's refreshing to see how supportive people can be! (and ARE)
from kishijoten : hehehehehehe
from onyx-cherub :
i love you, helen.
from fatalerror42 :
Love the book.
from brdwaybebe :
Hello! Lighted Path is now up and running! You are more than welcome to come and add your site to our Christian Directory! Can't wait to see what God does in and through us as we all work together! - with much love, Christy
from hsiutime :
Hi! Thanks for the comments on the poem :) Keep us updated on David Blaine ;)
from onyx-cherub :
it's a very painful and very complicated story, darling. but i'll make it. i always do. this wound is just going to take a really long time to scar. thank you though, sweet helen. you are truly one of the most beautiful people in the world.
from reallynormal :
Oh I have no problem with randomness. Thankyou for leaving the note as well, I'm always happy when somebody communicates with me. Just shows what a sad life I lead.
from reallynormal :
Hey. Well I can't remember exactly what I said on that survey, but at a guess, probably something I out to apologise for, so sorry if I was offensive. I don't mean to be. As for the anti-semitism I don't actually think that it is in a sterotypical hitler type anti semitic way, I just meant that it sees Jusaism almost as a lower form of Christianity, but then again I suppose I shouldn't have used the term anti-semitism as it looks down on all other religions. Sorry if I sounded ignorant.
from kishijoten :
argh!!! damn signmyguestbook!!! david, lucy and lucy. jeez thats confusing. thats like me my brother and his girlfriend. roflmao!
from angelbaby137 :
Thanks so much for you encouraging message. I really needed that. Thanks! love, Becky
from maryboleyn :
Damn straight Mary Boleyn is a guilty pleasure! Oops! Was that my Tudor -Diva voice? In any event, thanks for taking a few mindless moments to read and fill out my survery!! Cheers!
from yaa :
I do apologize for preturbing you. That was not my intention. I meant only to answer the questions to the best of my ability. I am certainly not preturbed with you for not agreeing with me. I believe the bible is infallible, you may not. The analogy you used of choosing to sit in a chair and choosing to believe in the whole counsel of God's word, actually helps to prove the point. You have a vast knowledge of chairs, you have experienced sitting in them before, you know what they're are made of, you know them to be reliable. Although you take a slight risk in sitting in a chair that might break, based upon you belief in the strength(or infallibility) of the chair you take a seat. If you thought for a moment that the chair would break before you sat in it, you would find another chair. I'm not willing to base my eternal life on a fallible chair. Jesus said "If you love me, then keep my commandments." Jesus also said "I do the will of the Father" When he was 12 he read out of the book of Isaiah in the synagogue. Some people have adopted a theory in which they erase the old testament alltogether, or whatever parts of the old and new testaments they don't like, or don't understand. Jesus was the fulfillment of the law he did not come to abolish the law of his people the Jews. Beleiveing the bible to be infallible is a tenant of Christianity, just like believing in the trinity, and receiving Christ as your savior. The word bible means: a book held to be authoritative in its field. St.John 1:1 says "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." God is His word, so to beleive his word is fallible means He is fallible, and God cannot fail. God said "Heaven and earth would pass away before one drop or tittle of his word would pass away". Paul said "all scripture was fit for doctrine". When Jesus was tempted by Satan He fought back by saying "It is written..." He believed in, and knew of the power of God's written word and showed us by example that we should also. How does one know which part is God's word and which isn't? The disciples could have made up their recount of Jesus' life and words... You can't base that on a feeling you have to beleive all of God's word. And contrary to popular belief faith is not blind. Our faith grows by learning about the character of God, and striving to submit to the mind, and will of God through studying His word and praying to Him everyday. You can have faith with your spiritual eyes wide open because of the word God has given us in the bible to stand upon. You can be assured that whatever He has written in the holy bible, is a promise to us all. God bless you, and if you would like to continue this discussion please email me at [email protected]
from biblevrse :
I've always thought we should take as much time to study the Bible as possible. To learn more, I find verse memorization to be helpful. If you are interested in a weekly verse memorization site, please visit Thank you, and God bless!
from saudades :
Yes.. I think it was someone answering your survey who said "'He said follow Me, not my followers!'" :) Haha, I thought that was great
from saudades :
Thank you, that was an interesting survey. I'm not sure what "towing the party line" means, though? :) Does it meant without following blindly? I don't know, sorry! But, I liked your survey a lot and reading other answers, thanks for making it. I hope you find what you are looking for right now.
from onyx-cherub :
excellent ideas, my dear, 'specially about the falling out with both ron and hermione. i think that we're gonna learn more about ginny in book 5. i have hopes of the twins pulling hilarious antics, too. i want to see more snape/sinistra. *laugh*
from onyx-cherub :
helen... the chapter... *dies laughing* hermione obsessing over snape! *squeal* and the S/S! *bounces* ohhhh it's the funniest fic EVER. *nods* ever. i love you. *smooch*
from onyx-cherub :
i need more ADI!
from onyx-cherub :
you're not a nerd. you're a darling.
from onyx-cherub :
*giggles like crazy at the spaghetti entry* YOU ARE A COMIC GENIUS, HELEN.
from maryboleyn :
I give thee my most hearty thanks for thy participatin in my wee bit of research! Yea verily I hope 't'were enjoyable for thee! MB
from dmil :
you only forgot one thing in your answer to your own survey... WHAT CAN SEPARATE US FROM CHRIST? Let me tell you. OURSELVES.
from stormsong :
awwww yay - all honoured :))))))
from stormsong :
plan what? and i'll sort the html out when i get comp/broadband... so may not be for a while. and raw pastry is YUM!!! ;P
from onyx-cherub :
you're the beautiful one, dearest.
from onyx-cherub :
wicca is quite a feminist religion (as i am a wiccan), but that doesn't make you a nonfeminist. religion and feminism should not be associated with eachother because they deal with two completely different things, so don't feel bad. i miss our chats, darling. hope all is well.
from onyx-cherub :
letting your mind wander isn't bad. you're still just as loverly!
from onyx-cherub :
my helen's going back to university today! *cries* i'm going to miss you, sweetheart! xxx i love you!
from onyx-cherub :
i understand that confidence can sometimes seem strange, but i'm happy that you've got confidence coz you're a wonderful person.
from onyx-cherub :
I <3 you darling!
from yeoshuling :
Hi, thanks for explaining yourself by leaving a note for me. I'm not offended by your words, I was just wander the reason for saying that. By the way, I did not know you are a christian when I ask you the question. Thus at the point of time, I want to know why a non-believer think that way. Now that I know you are a christian, I am amazed with the honesty of you. You are truely honest with your doubts and that is good. Will learn from you. : )
from onyx-cherub :
hello my love! you're so sweet. thanks for always being there for me no matter what. you're a truly wonderful friend. you always make me smile. xxx *hugs* from ~the oracle of shartwog~ *giggles madly* yay for snogwarts a kiss-story!
from queenbee13 :
Well the survey was very interesting, as far as catholic doctrine goes, I was raised Catholic and never actually knew the doctrine, so when I started going to the church I go to now, I talked to some theologians and they told me about the fundamental differences between Catholic and Protestent doctrine, I was wrong on the part about the seven sacriments (I didn't realize that ordination was a sacrement) so sorry about that one. And of course I don't have any problem with Catholic people, I'm sorry if I offended you. *Vicky*
from jellybelly02 :
hey whats up? i was just looking @ your survey and then read your profile...guess i will talk to you later..bye!--jellybelly02
from yetxfaithful :
yeah, i understand. i know, its just my opinion. But this is my reasoning. I too struggle with pride and jealousy... but i dont mean too do it. people choose to be homosexual, you know. and yes, if they come to church and God speaks to them.. and they are willing to change, of course they are welcomed! But if they come to church believing they can be saved when they continue homosexuality.. it doesnt work that way. i dont know exactly. its hard to explain.. but thank you soo muchfor your comments.. it means a lot!
from emoisnotrend :
um ok. that wasnt the replay i expected, it was nice. take care.
from emoisnotrend :
if youre so religious arent you suppost to love everyone you hypocrite. fuck youre god and its my opinion so fuck off. you made the quiz and anyone could answer it so it was only matter of time before someone me did so go and "pray" because that will just slove all your problems wont it. also let me leave you a quote my boyfriend said to me, "you can give a homeless man a fish and he'll be fed for a day or you can give a man religion and he'll spend his whole life praying for a fish"
from motownjunkie :
Cheers Helen! I guess he wasn't being an arse, it's totally my fault, I still don't know what to do though. *sigh* Yeah Bungle's in Sheffield but not actually at the Uni till September as I understand it. I don't think I'll get in to Northampton this September, if I don't I don't know what I'll do. I'll think about coming to York. :) How've you been?
from ladyofamber :
i'm such a prat. Just got home and went straight to the cardboard bin, took out the packaging and had a look at the invoice. black and white BLACK AND WHITE written down that it was paid for by you HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAAHAHAHA
from clearcadence :
there's nothing like constructive criticism hun, but did it ever occur to you that my diary is full of such negativity for the sake of sparing the people (who really do make my life a living hell) from my own wrath?
from godzgirlz :
Hey Matthew(fain) been my best friend for years and he has slowly drifted into a hell all his own, and though I see this I am still and will remain here for him. I wanted to say thanks for your advise to him in his noted, He neds encouragement and love and God again! Peace xo
from diaryreviews :
Hello! Your review has been posted. You can get there by going to Have a nice day!
from karination :
thanks for the survey- it garnered an interesting variety of answers! enjoy your thoughts and your humour. best wishes from across the pond (canada).
from ladyofamber :
is fixed now, ty :)
from clauren :
Here is the joke I told you I would put in....A girl comes skipping home from school one day. She comes into the house and says to her mother, "Mommy, mommy, we did our numbers at school today. Everyone else could only count up to 5, but I counted up to 10. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Is that good mommy?" "Yes dear," replied the mother, that's very good." "Is that because I'm blonde mommy?" Askes the daughter. "Yes dear, it is" Was the response. The next day, the girl comes skipping home from school. She comes into the house and says to her mother, "Mommy, mommy, we did our the alphabet today at school today. Everyone else could go up to G, but I went all the way up to L. A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I , J, K, L. Is that good mommy?" "Yes dear," replied the mother, that's very good." "Is that because I'm blonde mommy?" Askes the daughter. "Yes dear, it certainly is" Was the response. The third day, the girl comes skipping home from school. She comes into the house and says to her mother, "Mommy, mommy, we had Phys Ed. school today. All the other girls were flat as a board, but I've got these!" With that she pulls up her blouse to show a sized 36 C's. Is that good mommy?" "Yes dear," replied the mother, though a little embarrassed, "that's very good." "Is that because I'm blonde mommy?" Askes the daughter. "No dear, it's because you're 25."
from widescreen :
Teehee... go on, have one.. you know you wanna... ;-) You'll be helping a good cause (more traffic through links, more people wanting custom layouts, more money... muahahahahaaa). Or, you could have a custom layout... for a discounted rate. ;-) See you later today! (I have a little something for ya). PS... Jonathan says to stop calling me a bitch. ;-)
from amelindasue :
Hello! Wow... I just randomly happened upon you and you are a cool Christian and highly amusing! yay! Smile, and have a nice day!!! :)
from freestuff :
If you just enter type the e-acute character (Press AltGr and e) it'll work fine. It converts it to the html entity for you.
from dreamer4eva :
Thanks for the note Helen. It's really comforting to recieve stuff like that right now. It's been really hard on me lately, but I'll pull through. I know what I have to do. It's just a matter of making myself do it. -Dreamer
from motownjunkie :
Oi! Don't doubt yourself :-) You ARE a caring person, you've been really nice to me even though you don't even know me. I think thats ... a special gift. :-) You're one of the nicest people I know, so stop doubting yourself, you're not selfish at all :-) Oh and I'm really sorry I couldn't make it online earlier tonight... I got your message just as I was finishing work and I got in to find you've already gone. Damn. Starting to miss you now. :-) Hope to speak to u soon - take care - ian x
from motownjunkie :
"apologies, Ian, I know you hate this particular feminine anxiety!" - hey it's okay :-) I don't mind... Sometimes i do hate it, sometimes i love it, it's quite amusing :-) It's... what's the word... endearing :-) Oh and thanks for the namecheck at the end too... you're TOO nice to me :-)
from ladyofamber :
you can borrow mine once i've finished reading it again ;) all ten books in one huuuuuuuuge chronicle ;)
from angst3411 :
I really enjoyed your entry today. I think it's great that you're seeking after God's heart. He certainly is amazing, isn't she? I loved the psalm you included, too. It gave me quite a bit of encouragement. Thank you! There's a song that follows that line of thought by a group called "Passion." You may have heard of them. They're a praise group... really awesome. It's off the CD called "Our Love is Loud," and the song is called "Psalm 126 (You Have Done Great Things)." Great song! Thanks again! Ciao.
from motownjunkie :
Helly... don't put down your own humour! :-) I think you're funny, i like ya style :-) Your writing's really good too, its always good to read your diary
from motownjunkie :
Thanks for the note Helly! *hugs* Just read your diary... hope the exams are going well! Good luck!
from nokindalife :
Wow, your diary is beautiful! I'm new to diaryland and I was just browsing about. It's wonderful.
from sporkqueen :
Yay for Return of the Jedi! I remember that when I was little, I wanted an Ewok of my own... Good times :c)
from shydime :
Hey- I enjoyed checking your diary out! Alot of neat things
from dust-puppy :
thank you :)
from dust-puppy :
im fed up with this here job :*( but if ya want me ickle MSN contact thingie its [email protected] :)
from widescreen :
Hehe, your head must be a little swollen. :-) I don't get reports anymore. ;-)
from drowningsoul :
GRrrr, I looked for you all day, I had the vid and the book! If you read this, meet me @ the bench @ break and I'll give them to you :) wuv woooooo! You God Loving Hippy...I mean Helly.
from drowningsoul :
Awww baby! *huggles* You wanna talk?? We don't talk often enough...I LOVE YOU!...and I'm not anorexic...
from randomfacts :
FANTASTIC facts Helen - Thank you! :D
from erinthepixie :
I love the Point Horror plot generator :)
from widescreen :
Merry Christmas!!! From Nicola and Jonathan
from xlcus :
Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Helen! Happy Birthday to you!
from widescreen :
Hey, another one joins the danger-mouse ring! I'm going to take over the world! And you, with your love of DM and Penfold are free to come join me! Hee hee hee.
from raven-skies :
I really liked your diary. I would write you more of a message, but I am going to go back and read some more now!!
from widescreen :
Can I get free food where you work? ;-)
from nakedthought :
just wanna inform you tt yr first dropdown menu doesn't work :o( i wanted to say thank you for appreciating my honesty in my diary :o) take care ...
from widescreen :
Boo! *pwods you* Will email soon. :-)
from xlcus :
Should there be beeping? :-)
from dust-puppy :
*hands u the soap and a towel too* ;)
from dust-puppy :
awww hun - i hope u get better soon. and hope u didnt miss out too much on ur holiday :)

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