Complete Diary of my Craziness

I'm from England and France. I play the ukulele and the cello,I spend a lot of time in church and I'm now MARRIED to a guy called Tiffer who wants to be a vicar. I'm still trying to be a primary school teacher. Find out even more about me (if you can bear it) at where now that I'm MARRIED, we have our internet home together!

My favorite diaries:

sweet-indigo profile - diary
comments: She might be me
tifferscott profile - diary
comments: My favourite person :)
dompirate profile - diary
comments: Best buddy :)
not-long-now profile - diary
comments: Just in case she ever writes in it again
the-moo profile - diary
comments: I've been chasing her diary since she got married. Found it again! She's great :)
kdip profile - diary
comments: Because I want to know more...
edbucks profile - diary
comments: Mate of mine, writes decent songs.
i-found-him profile - diary
comments: Chasing this gal around the net...
emma-regina profile - diary
comments: She reads Anglo-Saxon poetry so it is imperative that I add her.
leesmry profile - diary
comments: hello!

My favorite music:

The Real Group
comments: Swedish a cappella. Sooooo good.
That Thing you Do
comments: Yeah, so it's not a band, it's a song. My favourite song.
The Timbermerchants
comments: Extremely cool Christian band with all my friends in it :)
Avril Lavigne
comments: Sometimes I get so weird, I even freak myself out...

My favorite movies:

comments: Utterly beautiful.
Etre et Avoir
comments: Essential watching for all teachers.
What's Up Doc?
comments: The funniest film in the history of ever. With Barbra Streisand, even better.
Bruce Almighty
comments: Funny and moving and makes you think - gave me a new respect for Jim Carrey.
When Harry met Sally
comments: It's a classic and it makes me think of Tiff :)

My favorite authors:

Wilkie Collins
comments: You wouldn't have thought a dusty old Victorian could make you stay up till 4am waiting to find out what happens.
comments: Because it makes sense.
Adrian Plass
comments: For laughter and tears. And then more laughter.

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last updated: 2008-10-30 21:11:53
this user's total entries: 76
user since: 2004-04-03

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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