This life is a hard rain

I am the shy girl you never really notice, but once you have my friendship, it's yours for life. I am an avid animal lover, spending my days as a veterinary assistant at an animal hospital. I am an avid horse lover, riding makes me feel free. Jumping over a fence on horseback is like flying. I can't every read too many books, mainly fantasy. Basically, I am just unexplainable me :)

"This life is a hard rain, downpours and random beatings, but God bless the ones, drenched to the bone, that still come out singing"

Sue Witty, "Hard Rain"

My favorite diaries:

Fragile-liar profile - diary
comments: I read of her struggles, her trials, and I admire her strength.
Leviticus profile - diary
comments: She has a great spirit and I love reading about her life's trials.
arab-class profile - diary
comments: Fellow horse lover
thedetails profile - diary
comments: Very strong woman
Pischina profile - diary
comments: Who doesn't love this kid in a grown up body
Alwayslolita profile - diary
comments: Maile and I share our panic attacks, and she has been there through many tough things in my life
Jenne1017 profile - diary
comments: She's an amazingly kind person who has been through a lot, but still come out strong
badsnake profile - diary
comments: lesbian ;)
hsiutime profile - diary
sweet-indigo profile - diary

My favorite music:

comments: One of my new favorites. I don't think there is a song I don't like
Smile Empty Soul
comments: Love em
comments: Can't get enough of her. She has a beautiful singing voice. I've been to two of her concerts. Amazing.
Linkin Park
comments: Yes, it's a horrible nu-rock trend, but I love em.
Sarah Mclachlan
comments: The woman who brought me into the world of folk rock.

My favorite movies:

Miss Congeniality
comments: Mmm, Sandra Bullock..comedy..::grin::
comments: As strange as it is, this is the movie I watch with my mom for mommy/daughter time
Playing By Heart
comments: Ooh, what a wonderful, terrific, beautiful movie
Ever After
comments: By far Drew Barrymore's best movie role. I can't get enough of this movie
The Princess Bride
comments: Heh, a classic

My favorite authors:

Elizabeth Kerner
comments: Although she has only written two books, I am addicted to the series, and her writing style. Wow
Trudi Canavan
comments: I loved her Black Magician Trilogy
J K Rowling
comments: Yes, I am a Harry Potter fan, I love the whole fantasy aspect
Mercedes Lackey
comments: I have loved every book I have read of hers
Weis and Hickman
comments: I fell in love with the dragonlance series..high quality fantasy writing.

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last updated: 2013-02-14 23:52:48
this user's total entries: 561
user since: 2000-10-03

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