messages to zoonbaby:
(click here to add new message):
from cdghost : |
hey, i enjoyed reading your entries..take care,thecdghost |
from abyssus : |
Hey you! it's allcats =) Thanks for stopping by and leaving the note. Damn straight we'll be skinny little things again ;-) We'll do this ! |
from furiouspuppy : |
Hey There! Just wanted to give you some encouragement on the weight watcher's thingie! A lot of my friends have gone on it and lost tons...and kept it off. You can do it! :) |
from puh-lease : |
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! And no, 24 is NOT, I repeat, NOT, old. Hope your b-day was/will be lovely. |
from slipofagirl : |
There's a post on LB about TF saying it's down or whatever... It's just an error. It should work for you again soon. |
from slipofagirl : |
I model part-time, just for extra money. :-) |
from cassiopeia- : |
Happy Valentine's Day! kisses, cassie |
from answermesoon : |
hey :) sorry it's been awhile, computer been down. pretty pretty princess is this awesome game(actually it kind of sucks unless you're drunk) where you go around the board and collect pieces of jewelry. the first person with all the jewelry and the crown on is the pretty pretty princess. it's really supposed to be for 3-6 year olds i think, but its fun for a little while. it gets you reintouch with your childhood. p.s. keep the diet up, you can do it. bouillion cubes are my god. katie <3 |
from puh-lease : |
hi. i just stumbled across your diary here, and you probably don't give a shit, but I still think that you're gonna make it to the Great Writer's Hall Of Fame. And I know stuff like that. I'm psychic, really, I am. Love, Natalie |
from xemowhorex : |
you have me listed as a favorite. if you're still around and care at all, i have had to locked my diary for a while. the username: emo password: whore |
from furiouspuppy : |
yeah, defo no chewing gum! |
from furiouspuppy : |
Hey Dude; How's it goin'? xoxoxo Lori |
from enviousana : |
the place between your lips and chin roughly. thanks for reading my nonsensical diary! :) |
from answermesoon : |
hey! thanks for the note :) yeah, he is a jerk. but i'm in love with him. isn't that always the way? keep up with your plan btw. you sound like you're doing really well so far :)<3 katie |
from thintowin : |
Hey! Well, I promise to tell you first when I get some porn, ok? |
from anyra : |
hi girl!!.... you know christmas was as bad for me than it was for you... but, i realise that all that food make me stronger to resist on food for long time. I'm certain that youll be abble to lose all this extra weight you get during holydays. youre strong! whish you a good year, big kisses, anyra xoxo (i'm sorry for the mispelling, english is my second language!1) |
from zoonbaby : |
hi girl! how's life in denison treating you? hmm, good, pretty much. i'm on christmas break right now and it's niiiiice. ok, bye. |
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