Have you met Evil

Ivy and Osanna are Evil.

Not your regular turn people into frogs evil, more the take over the world kind of Evil.

So be warned, this diary is their story.

You might not like them very much and if you don't, they most likely won't care.

My favorite diaries:

ivyvalentine profile - diary
comments: the author, the poet, the saviour of Boromir
punkrockelf profile - diary
comments: the extreme side of Ivy
dreamflowers profile - diary
comments: Ivy's poetry
ddraigwen profile - diary
comments: Osanna's inspiration
cynghanedd profile - diary
comments: Jamie's poetry
silverkeys profile - diary
comments: the designer of the layout. All bow down and worship NOW or Ivy and Osanna will get very angry
rockchild16 profile - diary
comments: Beckers, thanks for the infamous popcorn remark!
aine22 profile - diary
comments: Dev, who so graciously agreed to illustrate our fic!
ticky21 profile - diary
comments: One of our Beat-Readers Kat!
tillikins profile - diary
comments: Casey, another beta-reader!
nova225 profile - diary
comments: Danielle, for her beta-reading and so many ideas, she has a cameo in the fic!
albinoqueen profile - diary
comments: Jamie, for watching our insanity evolve!
halladolwen profile - diary
comments: This is Devora, a reader of ours with a lovley diary and great writing! GO SEE!
evilmishie profile - diary
comments: Arne, another reader of hers, beauitful layout and lovley diary! GO READ!
dunadan profile - diary
comments: she loves our fic and she is the first person to take one of our buttons
blacksorrow profile - diary
comments: we lover her. Why? because not only did she link us but she said that she couldn't believe that we we'rnt JKR
unicorn-wing profile - diary
comments: hey she reccomends us people, so we reccomend her
aislygn profile - diary
comments: Aislygn/Ashlynn's diary! One of our readers, plus she jumped to our defense, she basically kick's ass and we liek her so NEH!
aniya-ronin profile - diary
comments: The above's fic diary! Very good stuff so far, that will probably just keep getting better! Seriously, go read!

My favorite music:

My favorite movies:

Lord of the Rings Trilogy
Harry Potter Series
The Adventures of Pricsilla Queen of the Desert

My favorite authors:

J.R.R. Tolkien
J.K. Rowling
Terry Pratchet
comments: Whithout who'm there would be no George the Dragon
Oscar Wilde
Neil Gaiman

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last updated: 2004-06-19 21:39:35
this user's total entries: 78
user since: 2003-06-11

AOL IM name: theivymalfoy / ddraigwen
ICQ number: Ivy: 96403300. Jamie: 215076586
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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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