Peachfront Speaks

If you're on Twitter and Diaryland, let me know @peachfront, I'll follow you. Hey, I'm just all snoopy like that...anyway, here we're talkin' about birds, travel, and whatever crosses my tiny peachfronted mind! It will also serve as a personal journal of the seasons and my attempt to transform an ordinary suburban southeast Louisiana (western St. Tammany Parish) backyard into a miniature sanctuary for birds, butterflies, and other small creatures. My yard has now recovered from Bill (2003) and Katrina (2005), and I've got some good bird-watching/landscape stone collecting going on -- stay tuned, and maybe I'll post some pictures.

If you only want the Peachfronted Conure coverage, I have moved it to its own diaryland site called PFconure -- link given in the list down below. Go, Peachfronts!

Most diaries are locked these days but if you want me to post your unlocked diary in my profile, feel free to let me know.

My favorite diaries:

peachcooks profile - diary
comments: this is my cookbook -- at this time, i'm just starting to put my recipes online
msleslie profile - diary
comments: a fascinating gulf coast diary - open again for very occasional comments ?
grouse profile - diary
comments: a good one with a focus on outdoors/western themes as writer is a wildlife officer, v. nice photos, maybe on hiatus since 2013?
pfconure profile - diary
comments: the world's ultimate peachfront conure blog
dangerspouse profile - diary
comments: really enjoyed discovering this one

My favorite music:

Talking Heads, Bob Dylan
comments: the old timey alleged acquired taste crew
Pavement, Neutral Milk Hotel
comments: the alleged acquired taste crew 90s era
Nirvana, Hole, Foo Fighters
Arctic Monkeys, Miles Kane, TLSP, QotSA
The Strokes, Julian +The Voidz

My favorite movies:

12 Monkeys, Donnie Darko
comments: films outside the straitjacket of plot
Blue Velvet, Mulholland Drive, Lost Highway, Inland Empire
comments: Lynch keeps it real because reality is strange
Sicko, Bowling for Columbine, Fahrenheit 911 etc
comments: even if you don't like Michael Moore you gotta love his style
Brazil, Liquid Sky, Being John Malkovich
comments: more films that are a little different
but really more into music videos now
comments: because i've seen the five basic plots a million times by this time of century so i'm post-narrative

My favorite authors:

Philip K Dick, David Foster Wallace, Iain Banks
comments: they left us too soon
Don DeLillo
comments: "Libra" is still my favorite but they're all good
Kim Stanley Robinson
comments: the Orange County and Mars novels are the best novels ever about over-development
Marge Piercy, Doris Lessing
comments: yeah, they're all good
Ruth Rendell/Barbara Vine, Joyce Carol Oates
comments: prolific but tons of gems here

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last updated: 2024-07-09 17:49:36
this user's total entries: 5007
user since: 2002-10-12

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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