
I've left the Noise behind.

Email me for my new site at [email protected].

My favorite diaries:

My favorite music:

def leppard
comments: Yes I am a 80's metal, hairband, rock looney.
George Strait
comments: Talk about a stretch from the other, eh?!
80's pop music
comments: Can you tell what era I was a teen in?
70's, 80's.....
comments: ok disco damnit. I love disco
comments: ok just anything Rob thomas sings, if we must be honest.

My favorite movies:

Bridget Jones Diary
comments: talk about real life for a woman...totally related
Bruce Almighty
comments: laughed my ass off
Man on Fire
Seven Brides for Seven Brothers
comments: One of my all time favorite musicals
anything with Doris day in it
comments: Pillow talk, love come back, please dont eat the daisies,

My favorite authors:

Julia Quinn
comments: Oh the humor in her romances makes me laugh out loud. Scott hates that. LOL
Catherine Coulter
comments: Just started her this year. Read about 30 of her books. FBI thrillers are really good.
Stephen King
comments: Like to be on the edge of my seat. Or gripping the seat with my nails bared.
Sharon Sala
Jane Austen
comments: talk about a great author!

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last updated: 2006-01-16 15:25:04
this user's total entries: 616
user since: 2004-01-13

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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