A Dreamer

The Well

By Denise Levertow

At sixteen I believed the moonlight

could change me if I would.

I moved my head

on the pillow, even moved my bed

as the moon slowly

crossed the open lattice.

I wanted beauty, a dangerous

gleam of steel, my body thinner,

my face paler.

I moonbathed

diligently, as others sunbathe.

But the moon's unsmiling stare

kept me awake. Mornings,

I was flushed and cross.

It was on dark nights of deep sleep

that I dreamed the most, sunk in the well,

and woke rested, and if not beautiful,

filled with some other power.

My favorite diaries:

My favorite music:

Simple Plan
comments: i just want to make you proud, i'm never gonna be good enough for you
Tori Amos
comments: i was talking to you and i knew then it would be a life long thing
Bily Joel
comments: and the greatest gift of all was how i need you and how you needed me too
Rascal Flatts
comments: i've dealt with my ghosts and faced all of my demons

My favorite movies:

My favorite authors:

Nicholas Sparks
Danielle Steel
Mary Higgins Clark
Linda Lael Miller
Wally Lamb

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last updated: 2004-03-12 19:12:41
this user's total entries: 26
user since: 2003-04-13

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