Tired of Waking Up Tired

I don't live there anymore.

My favorite diaries:

achren profile - diary
comments: Back from the penal colony
cheapseats profile - diary
comments: Don't let the beard fool you. He doesn't look like Rivers Cuomo
fussbudget profile - diary
comments: my lady
downtimes profile - diary
comments: Homies, video games and quitting smoking in Seattle.
roadiepig profile - diary
comments: A midwestern family man who manages to stay enthusiastic about music and life in general
bonehead16 profile - diary
comments: Roadiepig's spawn
kissacod profile - diary
comments: Canadian. Indie. Rock.
urbanality profile - diary
comments: Progresso soup tastes like sweat?
shutupmom profile - diary
comments: Absolutely Nuts.
thisrecord profile - diary
comments: Kaput
pearljamie profile - diary
comments: She has Sugargliders, and is really fucking funny
snapshots profile - diary
comments: Flashes in Time
discodave profile - diary
comments: I had to carry his near-lifeless drunken ass
rubyfoxx profile - diary
comments: I don't play hockey. She does sometimes.
sjubla profile - diary
comments: The Devil.
quoted profile - diary
comments: Like Reader's Digest.
idiomatic profile - diary
monkeymitten profile - diary
jeru profile - diary
africajosh profile - diary
nano-nanu profile - diary

My favorite music:

Teenage Fanclub
comments: Here is the sunrise. Ain't that enough?
Bob Dylan
comments: This wheel's on fire.
Tobin Sprout
comments: It's like soul man.
comments: I don't want to go to sleep. I don't even think I need it.
comments: You're not punk and I'm telling everyone.

My favorite movies:

Anything by Kevin Smith
comments: Sure, they're full of childish humor, but they're much more clever than you might think.
Office Space
comments: The film for everybody who hates their job. I guess that's everybody.
comments: Most films get old after you've seen tham several times. This isn't one of them. Besides, it probably hold the record for most uses of the term "handjob" in a single non-erotic film.
Breaking Away
comments: This is the best film about bicycle racing and class struggle ever made. It's even better now that I'm a townie, although I'm not a "Cutter". It also was an important step in the careers of Dennis Quaid and Daniel Stern
Private Resort
comments: Starring Johnny Depp, Rob Morrow, and Hector Elizondo as "the Maestro"

My favorite authors:

Kurt Vonnegut
comments: Yeah, I know. There's a reason he's everybody's favorite, though.
Peter Bagge
comments: Comix are funny.
Colin Wilson
comments: He wrote the Mammoth Book of True Crime. There's nothing like outdated criminological texts.

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last updated: 2003-12-18 02:14:02
this user's total entries: 154
user since: 2001-09-04

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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