
"I," she told him, "can believe anything. You have no IDEA what I can believe."

My favorite diaries:

affiliate19 profile - diary
comments: "i changed my mind. take your jar and fill it with rubber balls, rock candies. go plant it in a field, and pray it grows."
allmadhere profile - diary
erato profile - diary
bistromath profile - diary
citizenjane profile - diary
dirtyboots profile - diary
discodave profile - diary
comments: Quippy comments are his forte; mine will fall short of the mark.
dharmabum profile - diary
glass-arcade profile - diary
freyja profile - diary
idiomatic profile - diary
katherinhand profile - diary
comments: "we are going to pretend i am going on a top secret expedition to siberia."
kats profile - diary
comments: "Maybe I live too much on wires and extremes and stark contrasts underscored with foamy gray seas."
ilfordhp5 profile - diary
misskubelik profile - diary
ohfiona profile - diary
sorenthebug profile - diary
rubyfoxx profile - diary
comments: My favorite red-headed, late-night, one-last-drink companion.
sjubla profile - diary
comments: The best friend.
smartypants profile - diary
snapshots profile - diary
comments: Please to be adding pictures to this public diary?
sundaygirl profile - diary
comments: Now the huddled masses are denied her brilliance and spit-coffee-on-the-screen sense of humor.
dearedwin profile - diary
nethingx0 profile - diary
pablo profile - diary
literatim profile - diary

My favorite music:

death cab for cutie
comments: your restlessness makes you lazy
comments: hung our clothes up on a closed door
the posies
comments: i'm terribly twisted around what i say
and you will know us by the trail of dead
comments: if i could make a list of my mistakes and regrets...
comments: i didn't hear cheerleading for creative writers

My favorite movies:

comments: the neverending story. the dark crystal. hook. fellowship of the ring. spirited away.
moulin rouge
comments: a life less ordinary. dogma. lilo and stitch. almost famous. the pirates of the caribbean. X2.
say anything
comments: the breakfast club. ten things i hate about you. rushmore. me without you.
the apartment
comments: laura. rebel without a cause. the milagro beanfield war. brotherhood of the wolf.
city of lost children
comments: amelie. the abyss. the empire strikes back. y tu mama tambien. whale rider.

My favorite authors:

gregory maguire
comments: i thought i knew all the shapes of passion.
neil gaiman
comments: see quote above.
william gibson
jonathan lethem
comments: under oblivious eyes, the invisible autographed the world.
phillip pullman
comments: you've got no idea what's in my heart

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last updated: 2008-09-08 21:20:09
this user's total entries: 1359
user since: 2000-08-20

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