Opinions were like kittens

Really? No one here but me likes Elia Kazan?

Shameful. I was born in 1976 and I live in Queens. Originally from Maryland though, I came to New York for my law degree. [I stayed for unknown reasons.] I represent children in Family Court - some sad, some bad, some both.

I share my birthday with Sylvia Plath and Dylan Thomas. You do the math. If you don't, I will. I dig math.

My favorite diaries:

malice profile - diary
idiomatic profile - diary
bevin profile - diary
achren profile - diary
snowy profile - diary
mydryskin profile - diary
perceptions profile - diary
kats profile - diary
pixgrrl profile - diary
andrew profile - diary
seven-point5 profile - diary
elegantwaste profile - diary
ethelalcohol profile - diary
nictate profile - diary
epiphany profile - diary
dirtylinda profile - diary
inkedgal profile - diary
letaboo profile - diary
seethingblue profile - diary
spunkygypsy profile - diary
nycme profile - diary
paperbridges profile - diary
ibechristyc profile - diary
bloodyme profile - diary
howiwonder profile - diary
cybers1ut profile - diary
pollux profile - diary

My favorite music:

judas priest
comments: you've got another thing comin'
bottle rockets
comments: hey moon
old 97s
comments: nineteen is the age of reason
modest mouse
comments: opinions were like kittens, i was giving them away
comments: don't everybody like the smell of gasoline?

My favorite movies:

dolores clairborne
my name is joe
hell house

My favorite authors:

michelle tea
comments: valencia, without a net, etc.
audre lorde
comments: sister outsider, zami
elia kazan
comments: the arrangement, on the waterfront
joy harjo
comments: she had some horses, in mad love and war
ntozake shange
comments: for colored girls... and nappy edges

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last updated: 2009-01-24 07:22:29
this user's total entries: 1621
user since: 1999-10-04

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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