Lost In San Diego

My name is Shelly and I am 19 years old. I live in sunny San Diego. Im originally from Las Vegas and let me tell you I really hate that shit hole. I listen to many different types of music but lately I have been listening to alot of Classic Rock (or as my Mom likes to call it, Butt-Rock). My Mom also has a diary in diaryland. Her diary is under iluvtunes. My Mom is my bestfriend and I am alot like her. I think shes alot cooler then me though. My life is pretty boring but at least I live right by the beach. Im kinda screwed up in the head but I think thats a good thing. Well thats all you need to know about me.

My favorite diaries:

iluvtunes profile - diary
comments: Word to my Mudda!!!!
lost-x-soul profile - diary
comments: what a fucking nice guy he is! there are nice guys out there!!
edgarfrog profile - diary

My favorite music:

all classic rock
comments: Butt-Rock Rules!!!!!!!!!
comments: R.I,P Bradley.
Janes Addiction
comments: I have always loved them even when I was a tiny little girl.
Mike Patton
comments: Mike Patton is a fucking God! Every project hes has done is fucking amazing.
Blood Hound Gang
comments: Jimmy Pop, I love you!

My favorite movies:

comments: I Love Spud!
comments: Now I know how to get rid of a dead body the smart way!
12 Monkeys
comments: Brad Pitt is only hot as a psycho or a vampire.
comments: Half dead motha fucka!
comments: Vince Vaughn is one hot daddy!!!!

My favorite authors:

leave a note for baby2pimp
diaryrings which baby2pimp belongs to
diaries which list baby2pimp as a favorite diary
last updated: 2006-05-20 23:29:07
this user's total entries: 20
user since: 2003-04-23

AOL IM name: baby2pimp
ICQ number:
Yahoo Messenger name:
MSN Messenger name: sillyshellysdca

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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