This is my life..I'd like to welcome ya'll to the BN show...

This is me, love it or leave it.

"What you fed us as seeds, grows and then blows up in your face...that's thug life." Tupac

My favorite diaries:

Princessdy profile - diary
comments: "Ah, sweet alcohol, I will never leave your side again. :) "
Crackheadred profile - diary
comments: "i am not above the occasional booty call cuz ol girl is a str8 freak when the lights go out...but establish a relationship? hell nah...i may be slow and dimwitted but i learn from my mistakes..."
iamsorry profile - diary
comments: "now if you'll excuse me, i have to go, i'm running behind in my bid to re-elect g.w. later... "
ninabean profile - diary
comments: "... and I cried..cried because I knew that soon this would blow up into an entirely new string of jokes on the Bean...cried because I knew I'd never live this one down...cried because.... I TOUCHED HIS ASS!"
chubbybn profile - diary
comments: "I'm tired and hungry. "
loveandlust profile - diary
comments: "Ive only had 3 people kiss me like they meant it and it blew me away"
chikmagnet profile - diary
comments: "Fuckadoodle-doo to fuckadoodle-you. "
lustylatino profile - diary
comments: "aaahhh, Im so vain I hate it"
tislet profile - diary
comments: "the question is posed: name someone who hasn't had a crush on tristan."
mixtape- profile - diary
comments: "Why am I excited all of a sudden to go see John Mayer? I don't even like him..."
katy-bug profile - diary
comments: "Oh, fruit-flavored malt beverages, I love you so."
lemonteaser profile - diary
comments: "Damn if every cute guy isn't gay or married"
sleepy-gurl profile - diary
comments: "Am I a horrible person for eating ice cream at ten in the morning?"
the2ndhalf profile - diary
comments: "I like clothes....I like to take off my clothes even more.."
myluv4cory profile - diary

My favorite music:

Union Underground
comments: Awesome rock band. If you ever get a chance to see them live, DO IT!! THEY ROCK!!
comments: My "I'm in a wierd mood" music
comments: It's not the Rage of old, but they are still awesome!!
comments: I love white trash....
comments: Only God can judge me....

My favorite movies:

comments: You're're beautiful.....
A Walk To Remember
comments: I love love LOVE this movie. I always cry when I see matter how many times it's been....
Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion
comments: I'm the Mary and you're the Rhoda!
Lord of The Rings
comments: Orlando Bloom and Viggo Mortenson...nuff said....
The Matrix Trilogy
comments: Keanu Reeve's nekkie booty and he's dressed in leather!

My favorite authors:

leave a note for beanernizzle
diaryrings which beanernizzle belongs to
diaries which list beanernizzle as a favorite diary
last updated: 2007-12-19 02:05:25
this user's total entries: 235
user since: 2003-01-11

AOL IM name: launicabaybeegrl
ICQ number: 42110304
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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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