birds.clay pots.superfoods.

There is a tendency to say: I have an addictive personality, I am terribly sensitive, I'm touched with fire, I have Scars. There is a self-perpetuating belief that one simply cannot help it, and this is very dangerous. It becomes an identity in and of itself. It becomes its own religion, and you wait for salvation, and you wait, and wait, and wait, and do not save yourself.

-Marya Hornbacher

My favorite diaries:

sapathetic profile - diary
my-microcosm profile - diary
secret-motel profile - diary
comebacktome profile - diary

My favorite music:

juliana hatfield
avett brothers
elliott smith
bonnie prince billy

My favorite movies:

the misfits
comments: day of the locust, delicatessen,
the woman in the dunes
comments: blue, red, white, henry and june,
the house of yes
comments: the anniversary party, say anything, unbearable lightness of being
young poisoners handbook
comments: rosemary's baby, running on empty, in the mood for love
city of lost children
comments: harold and maude, the pianist

My favorite authors:

marya hornbacher
comments: telling it exactly like it is
edward gorey
comments: "Beyond the Glass We see life pass."---from The Eclectic Abcedarium
anne sexton
kurt vonnegut
martin amis

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last updated: 2023-10-05 13:34:48
this user's total entries: 679
user since: 2000-02-07

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