Sugar and Spice and Everything Nice

I'm a 32 year old stay at home mom and military wife. I love to work out!! I love reading, chocolate cake, Maybelline Great Lash mascara, The Young and the Restless, Republicans, Georgia, coupons, and of course, God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, Mike (my husband), and My sweet little angel baby, Heidi.

My favorite diaries:

amysloss profile - diary
comments: Another stay at home mom reaching her goals.
sonshinegirl profile - diary
comments: A woman with a career, school, faith, goals, and great stories.
MaiaRayne profile - diary
comments: A fun diary of a stay at home mom.

My favorite music:

comments: Since 1984, I have loved this woman.
Juan Areco
comments: Spanish Guitar to die for!
comments: Will always love them. No other band will ever be like them.
comments: You have to admit, they are an awesome band.

My favorite movies:

comments: Even though I know it's a mechanical shark, it still scares the #@$ out of me!
Gone with the Wind
comments: Please, I have to. I'm from Atlanta.
The Goonies
comments: "Down here it's our time... and it's all over once we ride up Troy's bucket"
12 Monkeys
comments: I like how the writers dealt with the paradoxes of time travel. Plus it had Bruce AND Brad in it.
On the Beach
comments: An old black and white happy little film about nuclear fall out. Everyone dies.

My favorite authors:

Kurt Vonnegut
comments: You must read Harrison Bergeron. (short story)
comments: The book of Acts- gets me motivated!
Donald Bain
comments: I LOVE the Murder, She Wrote mysteries! Jessica Fletcher is my idol.
Stephen King
comments: The Stand is still one of my favorites.
Ellen G. White
comments: What insight.

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last updated: 2005-11-14 15:23:29
this user's total entries: 163
user since: 2003-06-28

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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