if you had a soul, it'd look like this

"It's only when there's nothing left to lose that you realize you're free to do anything."

My favorite diaries:

angryagain profile - diary
comments: The pillar of strength, the annihilator of hypocrisy, the man who helped mold me into who I am today. Read and be mesmerized!!
lostwou profile - diary
comments: One of my best friends in the whole-wide world who always has my back.
nanoericboy profile - diary
comments: Diary to chronicle the "progress" of my entry into National Novel Writing Month.
starke- profile - diary
comments: This is a girl who opened my eyes. I held her once, but I was weak and let go.
nanobetty profile - diary
comments: Diary to chronicle the progress of lessthan3's entry into National Novel Writing Month.
less-than3 profile - diary
comments: More beautiful, soft, and fascinating in person than you could ever believe. Those who don't know are the unlucky ones.
iluvtunes profile - diary
comments: My coffee-buddy that I've never met who takes flack from everyone and remains fresh.
ensie profile - diary
comments: Not only is she charmingly cynical while remaining refreshingly upbeat, but she has great taste in music and is more radiant in person than you can imagine.
margot08 profile - diary
comments: I've been reading this diary for a while now, and her eyes are unlike any I've ever had the privelege of seeing through.
chickenpie profile - diary
comments: An SD survivor who has quite a knack for capturing her life in a witty, quippy sort of book-jacket way. I am always impressed.
istoba profile - diary
comments: I still am floored by his constant ability to say something I've never thought before.
shallowiris profile - diary
comments: this guy has a lot to say and isn't afraid to say it, be it relevant or trivial. I respect that.
inkedgal profile - diary
comments: This chick is crazy in the best possible way.
revisions profile - diary
comments: A very intelligent and understated diary that I've just recently started reading.
cause-ofyou profile - diary
comments: A sounding board for life's injustices and a place to say what's really on one's mind.
veryraven profile - diary
comments: Beautiful poetry and vivid colors. I am always impressed. I want a heart like that someday.
lovemetwice profile - diary
comments: always short and always sweet and always able to make me think.

My favorite music:

The Postal Service
comments: Ben Gibbard, every song is good, too fucking short.
A Perfect Circle
comments: Even their shittiest songs kick the piss out of everything else out there.
comments: The masters return for another successful run on my profile. Eh.
Death Cab for Cutie
comments: I am so disgustingly in love with Ben Gibbard's voice and lyrics. I feel like a little girl.
Worth Every Scar
comments: Maybe I'm biased because I'm in the band, but I really like what we do and could easily see myself listening to our record. If we had one.

My favorite movies:

Million Dollar Baby
comments: This movie is everything everyone says it is.
The Whole Ten Yards
comments: I expected this movie to suck, but I found it funny, anyway. Oh, Matthew! You coy devil, you.
Lost in Translation
comments: Was good! I don't care what you think.
The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou
comments: Wes Anderson's latest is, characteristically, brilliant. Some didn't get it. Fuck them.
Star Wars
comments: The third film rocked, even though I knew the ending.

My favorite authors:

Jack Kerouac
comments: Reading "On the Road" again. Feeling the itch to bag up a journal and change of clothes and Do It!
comments: Captures the heart & won't let go.
Fyodor Dostoevsky
comments: I will always love "Notes from Underground". I hear they finally made a movie!
Chuck Klosterman
comments: The new Dave Eggers. Brilliant writer, shitty pessimistic attitude.
Stephen King
comments: Finished the Dark Tower Series and whoa.... it's good. Read it.

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last updated: 2013-02-19 08:37:02
this user's total entries: 298
user since: 2002-11-04

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