
in this blog, I chronicle a forty-day fast. I am abstaining from eating, allowing myself nothing but distilled water. I am also fasting from love, from sex, from touch.

the Christian Bible recommends we fast. Christians (as well as Buddhists, Muslims and Jews) fast to atone for sins, to draw closer to God, to pray, to achieve a greater sensitivity to the spiritual realm, to petition, and to cleanse. people around the world fast for political and social causes. I am fasting because I want and need a broken heart and a contrite spirit. I need to break the sinful habit of indulging the flesh, habits that I have built around me in the last twenty years that have kept me from really achieving the abundant life God wants for me.

I am far from perfect, just as I am far from the typical Christian. I am a former drug user and have slept with both men and women. I have two large, visible tattoos and at one point had 14 body piercings. because of my past mistakes, combined with my superficial characteristics, most don't immediately peg me as a strong Christian. but I am, and I continue to work towards the purpose God has planned for me. I struggle with much. I will describe my struggles here.

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last updated: 2006-09-06 20:51:07
this user's total entries: 20
user since: 2006-05-04

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