I Am Perfect

Thats all you need to know is that I Am Perfect

My favorite diaries:

m81 profile - diary
comments: Marcy is cool. I love Marcy. She is one of the few remaining people at Kroger... And I thought it was going to be.
allie-may profile - diary
comments: I swear she is the only one who reads my diary still..

My favorite music:

comments: Fell in love with them way back when their first album came out. I still adore them.
comments: She has been an inspiration to my writing.
comments: Now... The music video awed me. The music amazed me.
Celine Dion
comments: She's good to listen too when your slightly depressed.... Or just wanting to belt your heart out in voice.
Sarah Brightman
comments: Lightens up my moods.

My favorite movies:

Interview with the Vampire
comments: How many people can get, Brad Pitt, Tom Cruis, Christian Slayter and Antionio Banderous in the same movie? Either way it was the best movie ever!
Oceans Eleven
comments: Here we go again with the how can you get Brad Pitt, George Clooney, Julia Roberts, Joshua Jackson, Berry Watson, and the list goes on... best movie... BAD GUYS WIN!!
Finding Nemo
comments: Okay... so I am a sucker for kid movies
Empire Records
comments: Great great great drama/comedy good good good!
Ice Age
comments: If i had a squirl/raccoon animal... it would chase after acorns too

My favorite authors:

Pauline Reage
comments: Story of O was incrediable.
Anne Rice
comments: Been in love with her Vampire books

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last updated: 2006-11-14 00:35:26
this user's total entries: 294
user since: 2002-03-23

AOL IM name: krogersgarbage
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MSN Messenger name: [email protected]

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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