in your arms

I am sadly congruent with the definition of "hobbit" down to, unfortunately, the callused, fuzzy feet. I have cats, beautiful dreams, a soulmate whom I call Dougolegolas with affection, and a desire to resolve issues and grow beyond this world, where I still feel out of place. I am determined to be happy here, belonging or no.

Feedback is welcome.

My favorite diaries:

estraven profile - diary
comments: She's not even here anyore, but taking her off the list would add a painful permanence to her absence.
influence profile - diary
comments: Inconclusive evidence of superhuman abilities
perceptions profile - diary
comments: sometimes he pisses you off, even though he's sweet and not presumptuous
iamdisco profile - diary
comments: Similar to Heavenly Creatures, this eldritchly reminds me of . . . me.
beagle 47 profile - diary
comments: I'm starting to feel justified in my belief that there are more than one of me in the world.
squirrelx profile - diary
comments: just rocks the camels' ass. Or the fainting goats'.
mattferrara profile - diary
comments: recent addition to the piss-people-off list.
oddcellist profile - diary
comments: Gustatory. Food for though with a rich taste.
leslieirene profile - diary
comments: sappy, christian, and everything I could be expected to revile. But she's worthy of praise and respect instead.
weetabix profile - diary
comments: Cereal is named after the goddess Ceres, did you know that? Woman-wisdom, and the green of arch amusement.
mollyx profile - diary
comments: just . . . weird.
haberdasher profile - diary
patadrina profile - diary
yuripanda profile - diary
comments: Delightfully creepy. I feel like this person could be another one of my concurrent incarnations. How many of those can you have?
montparnasse profile - diary
comments: because Classical mythology and literary condescension come so naturally to me.

My favorite music:

Baz Luhrman
comments: Okay, he's not a musician. Hush up, mortal. Find "Moulan Rouge" and "Something for Everybody" and bathe your soul.
Jill Sobule
comments: Upgrade your brain! Chic rock for weird chicks.
Tori Amos
comments: Weird chick rock for all chicks.
Booth and the Bad Angel
comments: no comment
comments: The Nutcracker

My favorite movies:

comments: It painted my life in fairy-tale colors and I've never recovered.
Boondock Saints
comments: Because I'm fuckin' Irish. ( and full of souls shall it ever be)
Heavenly Creatures
comments: The movie I made in a former life. But I didn't direct it.
comments: Go see 'Legend', and while you're at it see Willow, The Dark Crystal, The Last Unicorn, the old version of The Little Mermaid, and The Hobbit.
Pirates of the Caribbean
comments: It reminds me of Moulan Rouge in a way I cant define. Oh, no wait, the whole lead cast is fucking sexy. That's what it is.

My favorite authors:

Terry Pratchett
comments: 2 Tolkiens, Anne McCaffrey, Shakespeare, Vonnegut, and Alan Moore
Neil Gaiman
comments: For Death, Dream, Delirium, and _Nicholas Was_.
Robert Heinlein
comments: I'm so Friday it scares me, and Jeff is Mycroft Holmes.
Erica Jong
comments: _Fear of Flying_ , girls. Read it. It's who you are, no matter who you are.
Richard Bach
comments: _Jonathan Livingston Seagull_ is a good book to give small children.

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last updated: 2005-02-04 10:30:44
this user's total entries: 86
user since: 2001-04-30

AOL IM name: StorySnake
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Yahoo Messenger name: Heidi_Hickman
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