soft indigo keening (it's been a while)

...the centre cannot hold...

It was time for a change. That much I knew. However, I'm not quite sure what I've need of putting in here any more. Filling in my blanks is a matter of mere guesswork, but you're up to it, I suppose. There is much of caprice in me, but at least I'm not asking you to knit me something.

My favorite diaries:

aijia profile - diary
comments: reads cummings, too
borogoves profile - diary
comments: she saw slava!
dizboy profile - diary
comments: he's back! o frabjous day! callooh! callay!
dol profile - diary
dsdiary profile - diary
dymphna profile - diary
comments: has moved to her livejournal.
eon profile - diary
comments: I still savor his writing as if it were a clove of roasted garlic.
floodtide profile - diary
comments: seems to have begun to go to sleep at reasonable hours. miss you, sir.
i-girl profile - diary
jotong profile - diary
comments: proves that it is risky to underestimate the quiet ones. as do most of my friends -- prove, that is, not ignore.
marn profile - diary
comments: there's something to her prose
mechaieh profile - diary
musikat profile - diary
mwarren profile - diary
oboecommie profile - diary
patrickg profile - diary
ragnarok7 profile - diary
royfly profile - diary
comments: has gone
sigyn profile - diary
comments: has also moved to her livejournal.
trickykid profile - diary
weetabix profile - diary
instabil profile - diary
comments: let us see where this is gone...
hollissays profile - diary
couchmobile profile - diary
comments: 'I'm still working on my theory that all straight men really have homosexual tendencies and would bang a homo in a second if fucking American society didn't strictly forbid it. I'll have a treatment on your desk by tomorrow morning.&qu
fergie profile - diary
ilonina profile - diary
comments: if i told you through litotes that she was not ungood by any means, would your interest be piqued and you compelled to go?
odalisk profile - diary
adambesme profile - diary

My favorite music:

Berliner Philharmoniker
comments: Under von Karajan, undoubtedly one of the best Brahms recorders out there.
Gustav Mahler
comments: *swoons* preoccupations with resurrection and death bother me not at all... rich, dark, swirling music is always a good thing.
Dmitri Shostakovich
comments: was influenced by Mahler and carried his own burdens under the Soviet regime which give an appealing cast to his music which one is easily drawn into
Benjamin Britten
comments: One of the few really good English composers. The first time I heard his War Requiem I cried. And he almost wrote six cello suites, just like J.S.Bach, but only finished three.
Johann Sebastian Bach
comments: He wrote the original unaccompanied cello suites. Go out and buy some recordings of them if you haven't already.

My favorite movies:

The Princess Bride
comments: I remain convinced that the cut-version book was better, but then again I had the book read to me by my youngest older sister back when she was still a goddess to me. She's been demoted since. Soon she may even be falliable.

My favorite authors:

Jorge Luis Borges
comments: It's a pity I don't read Spanish, or else I would have read him in the original. The translations, however, are some of the best fictions that I've read. I'll get around to his nonfictions someday.
Lewis Carroll
comments: "And hast thou slain the Jabberwock, my son? O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!"
J.D. Salinger
comments: Franny and Zooey... the Catcher in the Rye... need I say more?
Milan Kundera
comments: Czech authors I like. Other Czechs: Kafka, Smetana, Janacek...
Robert Heinlein
comments: With Ray Bradbury, my favorite SF writer. Stranger in a Strange Land, Job: A Comedy of Justice... Something Wicked This Way Comes... go curl up and read.

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last updated: 2004-02-17 21:36:37
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user since: 2001-05-04

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