sometimes scholarly, sometimes silly, and very occasionally snide

ilonina usually lives in ireland, is trying not to take literary theory too seriously, is in pursuit of eternal adolescence and in flight from property ownership, sings to the lord for cold hard cash and can never have enough shoes. And, erm, she's unlocked

My favorite diaries:

aaronorear profile - diary
comments: Continuing my decades-long flirtation with Anglicanism online
botanologia profile - diary
comments: The poetry, the tedium, the madness and the inconsequence that is postgrad life, perfectly expressed
darklily profile - diary
comments: Magnificent choral diarist. Very amusing indeed
drgeek profile - diary
comments: A welcome voice of clarity and wisdom
lyssaslounge profile - diary
comments: Totlach! Top writing and the most enjoyable injection of German into my day
miss-edith profile - diary
comments: Shrouded in the mists of corporate non-disclosure clauses, and much missed
odalisk profile - diary
comments: Quality, beautiful, profound writing, stern and remorseless analysis
oddcellist profile - diary
comments: Elegant, melancholy, erudite and accomplished. Utterly absorbing;but now hasleft
erato profile - diary
discodave profile - diary
comments: Because his news links and analysis are bang on the button every time. And because I miss Glasgow
periscopeboy profile - diary
comments: Viciously funny tales of daily life in Israel. Uncompromisingly intelligent
life-o-rama profile - diary
pandionna profile - diary
tigerknight profile - diary
comments: Thinks, loves and fights. And has me in awe.
tcklyrpharsn profile - diary
comments: True partner in crime, though we've yet to meet
autumnflower profile - diary
comments: There is a pleasant synchronicity in meeting a new friend both on- and offline on the same day
funsmart profile - diary
harri3tspy profile - diary
hungryghost profile - diary
elgan profile - diary
teranika profile - diary
comments: My first convert! The acest of friends! All in one fabulous page!

My favorite music:

Claudio Monteverdi
Massive Attack

My favorite movies:

My favorite authors:

George Eliot
comments: Books written for grown-ups. Why aren't there more of them?
Simone de Beauvoir
comments: I've only read The Second Sex, but it's the best book I've ever read. So far
Diana Wynne Jones
comments: Before there were J. K. Rowling and Philip Pullmann, there was Diana, writing subversive fantasy, being wildly imaginative and funnier than most childrens' authors put together
Jorge Luis Borges
comments: Shattering beauty, terrifying intellect, gutwrenching humour
James Joyce
comments: Or is Ulysses the best book I've ever read?

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last updated: 2004-07-16 06:50:34
this user's total entries: 327
user since: 2001-09-03

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