...all mimsy were the borogoves...

you know how the print on a laser-printed page is ever-so-slightly raised? well, it's like that.

My favorite diaries:

greyarea profile - diary
comments: reminds me of my college friends. actually, reminds me of my college boyfriend, the benjones. hmmm.
erlenweg6 profile - diary
comments: on 24 august 2003, her son nolan died of a brain tumor. he was 9. it was november 2002 when he was diagnosed.
kathmccall profile - diary
comments: ok, i used to like reading her diary, back when she updated. hint hint.
smartypants profile - diary
comments: mimi smartypants is out there riding the rails
gigantor profile - diary
comments: this is mangus, folks. don't let that fancy new name and address fool you.
evanbear profile - diary
comments: a person whose life is so totally different from my own. and yet, in a reaffirmation that we're all human, i recognize some of myself in him.
eloi profile - diary
comments: Quote from his diary: "Demand for marijuana is high, surely. But is it as high as spinach? ... This is a silly comparison. Pot isn't a vegetable, and spinach doesn't get you high."
andrew profile - diary
comments: the sillyhead who started it all.
blab profile - diary
comments: hey, thanks for the mention, blab! oh, and thanks for a niiiiice afternoon's reading.........
alicewonders profile - diary
comments: a fellow alice in wonderland fan, i'm guessing.
mangledoll profile - diary
comments: she quotes they might be giants like a pro. she's got a mohawk. she lives in san francisco. i think i love her.
oddcellist profile - diary
comments: check out his description (entry for 19 july 2001) of how playing his cello makes him feel. being a good musician is mostly about passion; oddcellist is a great example. also, he's now on livejournal. booooooo!
spanketeer profile - diary
comments: are you as excited about stuff as spank? no? me neither. [wish i was, though.] i gotta love the way he uses his profile as a sort of personals ad: here are my stats, please love me!
roadiepig profile - diary
comments: Quote from his diary: "Roadiepig! The brine is spilling over the back of the hopper! I can�t figure out how to shut it off! Help me!"
weetabix profile - diary
comments: Quote from her diary: "Just so you all know, if you ever meet me in person� I may just injure you immediately."
unclebob profile - diary
comments: just read the slick fucker. ya lazy sack o' shit.
harri3tspy profile - diary
comments: i knew a lady once named harriet. old lady with parkinson's. she was sweet.
dandlioneyes profile - diary
comments: hey, is your grad program at upenn?
quoted profile - diary
comments: you people crack my shit up
drgeek profile - diary
elgan profile - diary
trancejen profile - diary

My favorite music:

roxy music
they might be giants
ed's redeeming qualities
stargazer lily
comments: local philly band, soon to hit it big!

My favorite movies:

thirteen conversations about one thing
comments: : happiness
comments: for once, for ONCE, a decently accurate portrayal of amnesia. not the super-rare-but-you-wouldn't-know-it-from-soap-operas retrograde amnesia, but the way-more-common-though-still-rare anterograde amnesia.
harold and maude
comments: i just want to be maude. but without the whole hit 80 and kill yourself thing.
the matrix
comments: ok, so keanu can only do the one character: ted. but really, that's what neo is, right? a leather-clad, gun-toting ted? and dude, keanu looks GOOD in leather...
comments: casablanca, the shawshank redemption, clerks, all the monty python films, the princess bride, the peter jackson lord of the rings films, plan 9 from outer space...

My favorite authors:

mikhail bulgakov
comments: esp. the master and margarita
herman hesse
comments: esp.the glass bead game
terry pratchet
comments: the yang to douglas adams' yin
fyodor dostoevsky
comments: one passage in "the idiot" humbled me forever.
lewis carroll
comments: duh.

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last updated: 2007-03-28 10:11:00
this user's total entries: 564
user since: 2000-05-01

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