Nothing here to see, folks.

Don't worry, fellaz. I'll unlock soon enough. And the vitriol will be gone. To the poster: thanks for taking it down. You should be ashamed of yourself for what you said.

My favorite diaries:

sexyatheist profile - diary
comments: the mistress
neangel profile - diary
comments: restoring my faith in the lone star state
pollux profile - diary
comments: neighbor
justcircles profile - diary
comments: brought me to Dland and I haven't been the same since.
plaidskies profile - diary
danddteacher profile - diary
comments: voice of reason
frail profile - diary
comments: moved far away and hasn't written in forever. i think she likes that i keep her, though
rash profile - diary
comments: catch it if you can
mangofarmer profile - diary
comments: deserved band geek
idiot-milk profile - diary
comments: hehe
drahmaqueen profile - diary
idiomatic profile - diary
captvfirefly profile - diary
comments: same birth year
Beulahbondo profile - diary
comments: Philly
liviasgarden profile - diary
unused-for profile - diary
comments: put yo lightaz up
nesotte profile - diary
sweetnettle profile - diary
comments: her journal looks like mine & so does her list of favorites. fair enough.
chickpea981 profile - diary
hothead profile - diary
comments: bannerclick. i like her.
metonym profile - diary
comments: traded a couple insults. she's good.

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last updated: 2008-11-26 06:50:36
this user's total entries: 138
user since: 2005-09-21

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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