In the Soul resides a man's greatest's hopes and darkest fears...

I am a different Man than I was just a few weeks ago...

I am NOT what you knew before.....

My favorite diaries:

balynar profile - diary
comments: A simple man of courage..... and DA SHEMPENATOR!
bdeb profile - diary
comments: Jukebox Bryam, insert beer, recieve song. (only good beer....)
moirarowan profile - diary
comments: More than just a Kimmie-Kim, she is the love of a good man
courtney-d-h profile - diary
comments: Connor's Lady and a sewing fiend
ladysusanna profile - diary
comments: One day she will win the crown... (and it will be well deserved)
alesiag profile - diary
comments: Da Bon-Bon.... (Tentmaker, silk merchant, Robear management system)
educaitlin profile - diary
comments: A Teacher (need I say more? worth her weight in gold)
kyrre profile - diary
comments: Sunni....the real power behind the Turgeis
Turgeis profile - diary
comments: Master Tactician and fun to fight....I always learn something from him
ladyiseulte profile - diary
comments: a little lady with lots of talent.
lordmoe profile - diary
comments: a man with a bigger heart and soul than many realize.
c profile - diary

My favorite music:

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last updated: 2006-05-01 09:57:53
this user's total entries: 87
user since: 2002-06-25

AOL IM name: manus0kean
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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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