Kiss Off

My favorite diaries:

shabbiness profile - diary
comments: carrot rope feel my thrill, brilliant eurotrash slacker, who I want to be when I grow up
girls-suck profile - diary
comments: yes, sometimes we do
femmeproject profile - diary
comments: the grrls with the roller skate jams, brilliant, mad respect
manukenkun profile - diary
comments: understands the appeal of a dirty old mans drunken ramblings
after-hours profile - diary
comments: update, for the love of all that is good in the world
emotionalist profile - diary
comments: thirty two flavors and then some
point profile - diary
comments: more of the same brilliance, fill her stocking with chocolate bars and whiskey bottles
infrequency profile - diary
comments: this man knows his music, vinyl love
grlscout profile - diary
comments: true riotous babe, thrift store goddess, I am putting a patron saint of her on my dashboard
oh-sweet-pea profile - diary
comments: gorgeous east side style, she makes me want to buy her some stolen cheese
punkunicorn profile - diary
nolimetanger profile - diary
ladypete profile - diary
bluecinema profile - diary
hipkat23 profile - diary
central-red profile - diary
unsentletter profile - diary
ricka profile - diary
paperbridges profile - diary

My favorite music:

sigur ros
comments: the shins, le tigre, white stripes, magnetic fields,modest mouse, sleater-kinney
godspeed you black emperor
comments: japancakes, eels,imperial teen, the fall, television, modern lovers
belle and sebastian
comments: elliot smith, joy division, handsome boy modeling school, pavement,nick drake
velvet underground
comments: morrissey, ani difranco, cat power, spoon,blackalicious, clinic,ladytron
brian jonestown massacre
comments: luna, death cab for cutie, stereolab, mooney suzuki,soledad brothers

My favorite movies:

Harold and Maude
Buffalo 66

My favorite authors:

Henry Miller
comments: David Eggers, Fitzgerald, Daniel Clowes, Yukio Mishima
comments: Junchiro Tanizaki, Phillip Roth, John Updike, Thomas Pynchon
comments: Madeleine L'engle, Anais Nin, Joan Dideon, Tom Robbins
J. D Salinger
comments: Burroughs ( this list could go on forever)

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last updated: 2003-01-29 00:34:50
this user's total entries: 0
user since: 2002-02-24

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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