From the Dirrty, Dirrty Desk of Leitina Aguilera-Spears...

Lord, they gonna give a legend like me 250 characters to tell you what I want y'all fools to know 'bout me. Shoot...Well, I am the former personal assistant to two of the biggest up-and-coming pop stars of our time, Paul Aguilera and Emily Spears. They died though. Now I just done moved to L.A. to carry on the dream of stardom in their legacy. You can find out more by READING THE @&$DAMNED DIARY!!

My favorite diaries:

My favorite music:

JC Chasez
comments: That song with the drums from the movie about the drums gets my shit movin'...
Shania Twain
comments: 'Specially when she sing 'bout stuff that don't impress her...she crazy know what she like!
comments: 'Cept when she fightin' with Brandy...
Carmen Rasmusen
comments: Say what you want, girl can sing her some tone deaf Olivia Newton-John.
Bananas Foster Child
comments: It's my Mariah Carey cover band...ain't nobody else in it yet, but we gonna be big.

My favorite movies:

comments: Ooooh, that Chris Rock make me laugh!
The Hours
comments: I like the parts with Nicky Kidman's crazy nose...That ain't her nose! Crazy Hollywood magic playin' tricks on a girl...Ooooh...
comments: Hell, I'd let J. Lo whoop my ass too after seein' that movie...
Six Fridays From Now...
comments: Where the hell is Chris Rock?!?!
comments: I liked it, but why they gotta sing so much? Catherine Zeta-Douglas was better in that Zorro movie with hot sex on a platter, Antonio...not that old shit she was hittin' in Entrapment. Oooh, that guy older than Jesus' shit...

My favorite authors:

50 Cent
comments: I forgot 'bout him in the favorite music! Write a damn book, 50! Oooh! I'd read that book.
John Grisham
comments: I fell asleep on my old roommate's copy of The Firm. It was pretty soft I guess.

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last updated: 2005-02-01 20:45:08
this user's total entries: 36
user since: 2003-05-14

AOL IM name: mindyaowndamnbusiness
ICQ number: 866-IDOLS-04
Yahoo Messenger name: tootieramsey28
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