you mean to tell me you've lost something?

get naked and invade my personal space before i count to one.

start now.

My favorite diaries:

kidlobotomy profile - diary
girl-aflame profile - diary

My favorite music:

janis joplin
comments: "don�t you know when you�re loving anybody, baby, you're taking a gamble on a little sorrow. but then who cares, baby, 'cause we may not be here tomorrow."
ani difranco
comments: "yeah i wonder when you're a big star, will you miss the earth? and i know you would always want more. i know you would never be done. 'cuz everyone is a fucking napoleon."
comments: "shrouded in anger, encompassed by pain. he was your best friend and you will never ever ever see him again."
comments: "three tears i've saved for you. will you be my beloved? will you help me to get through? will you be my destruction? will you help me to be through?"
comments: pink floyd, mollies revenge, sarah slean, tori amos, led zeppelin, portishead, the band, sneaker pimps, sleater-kinney, sarah slean, starsailor, steve miller.

My favorite movies:

dazed and confused
comments: "wipe that face off your head, bitch."
the cure
comments: "i'm counting on you to make me famous."
stand by me
comments: "although i haven't seen him in almost ten years, i know i'll miss him forever. i never had any friends later on like the ones i had when i was twelve. jesus, does anybody? "
almost famous
comments: "i'm never as good as when you're there and i can see myself the way you look at me."
comments: "life is nothing if you're not obsessed."

My favorite authors:

stephen chbosky
comments: "charlie, we accept the love we think we deserve."
j.d. salinger
comments: "all he meant was you'd look better and feel better if you sorta brushed your teeth once in a while."
louisa luna
comments: "goddamn hippies. they think just because they trip on the weekend and have sex with everyone that they're janis joplin or something."
margaret atwood
comments: "...a tree not much different from any of the others that could be distinguished from the rest only by being here rather than further back or further on, with no other purpose than to measure the distance travelled."
tony parsons
comments: "sometimes we are only aware of how happy we were when the moment has passed. but now and again, if we are lucky, we are aware of happiness when it is actually happening."

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last updated: 2003-11-01 20:18:36
this user's total entries: 97
user since: 2002-07-31

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ICQ number: 18962061
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MSN Messenger name: your sweet virginity lost.

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