
But I digress...

My favorite diaries:

seeingeyegod profile - diary
comments: He's super-depressed, but I feel that way sometimes. He puts into words what I feel. (24 Jul) Good stuff happening to him lately. Good on ya, mate!
upcountry profile - diary
comments: Oh yay she's back! She's moved into a big house in a small town, which is a total change of scenery for me as I live in a tiny apartment in a huge city. Choices, choices.
cath71168 profile - diary
comments: A German girl living in Egypt. I lived in Morocco for a time, I know what she means. :)
ladiscrete profile - diary
comments: She reminds me of myself. :o) I'd like to know more about her. Her entries always leave me wondering.
waterlu profile - diary
comments: She left a note on the ol' guestbook and I've been reading her stuff since then. I like the way she writes. (24 Jul) She found a job! Yay! But since then, less entries... Oh, poo.
laurakay profile - diary
comments: Expat diaries are always excellent. (24 Jul) She's back from Korea, but her diary is still good.
cleerflo profile - diary
comments: She listed me so I read all of her diary. Can't wait for the sequel.
greschya profile - diary
comments: Just clicked on a banner and got glued to the screen.
diaryquotes profile - diary
comments: Heheh!
lookinforit profile - diary
comments: He read my diary, sent me an email, we've been corresponding since, and now he's got a diary! (24 Jul) Aw, c'mon, give it an update!
biensoul profile - diary
comments: Clicked a banner and liked what I found!
sotr profile - diary
comments: In French and very touching.
wicked-sezzy profile - diary
comments: Wickid indeed!
culotte profile - diary
comments: Ah-hah! Found her.
aletterhome profile - diary
comments: Pink and lively!
agirlinparis profile - diary
comments: Seeing Paris through new eyes
adumbration profile - diary
comments: Starting love all over again
thecritic profile - diary
comments: Short and witty
anamlabodis profile - diary
comments: Sensible stuff
hausfrau profile - diary
comments: A hausfrau in Deutschland. Very sch�n.
savecraig profile - diary
comments: Short and stinging
thebabygrand profile - diary
comments: Bluesy, musical, emotional.
ebombmom profile - diary
comments: The new anamlabodis...
warriorgeek profile - diary
comments: A new favourite!
jaric profile - diary
comments: ...or discovering Korea

My favorite music:

comments: Totally unknown in Europe, weirdly enough, but I just fell for them.
Bob Marley
comments: The eternal classic
comments: I love their Parachute album
comments: The queen.
Plenty of obscure French bands.
comments: You've never heard of them. Java, Raspigaous, Sensimilia, Tryo, etc...

My favorite movies:

The Big Lebowski
comments: I never get tired of it.
American Dream
comments: Kevin Spacey is wonderful
comments: Or ""La Fabuleuse Histoire d'Am�lie Poulain"

My favorite authors:

Ken Follett
comments: The Pillars of the Earth is THE novel.
Stephen King
comments: I know. I just love his work.
comments: I like certain books, not really authors.
Oscar Wilde
comments: Of Course.
Paul Auster
comments: Brilliant.

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last updated: 2004-04-26 06:32:51
this user's total entries: 235
user since: 2002-02-22

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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