le sigh.

this is the kind of thing that wont make sense in twenty years.

My favorite diaries:

.x profile - diary
comments: you add me, i add you. thats how it goes.
november27th profile - diary
unplayed profile - diary
oceans-depth profile - diary
zayneea profile - diary
barelysmile profile - diary
tarynheart profile - diary
godsong profile - diary
phantasyx profile - diary
in-crumbs profile - diary
tacie77 profile - diary
when-it-runs profile - diary
minnapop profile - diary
darkly-blue profile - diary
s1lk profile - diary
tofalldivine profile - diary
herooffools profile - diary
wishful-me profile - diary
pyroguysr profile - diary
ruby--sky profile - diary
reevo profile - diary
killthiskiss profile - diary
freakyouout profile - diary
brain2mer profile - diary
shattdsoul profile - diary
jackthripper profile - diary
faintestlies profile - diary
leema profile - diary
kararific1 profile - diary
exculpate profile - diary
plastikcharm profile - diary
onclouds profile - diary
stay-withme profile - diary
find-katie profile - diary
failinglight profile - diary
asiwas profile - diary
ud-x profile - diary
akindofmagic profile - diary
asstarsdie profile - diary
jupiter-drop profile - diary
evaporating- profile - diary
s3mi-charm3d profile - diary
electric-oh profile - diary
amber163 profile - diary
papernapkins profile - diary
lastflightin profile - diary
broken-dyke profile - diary
kissmyargyle profile - diary
some-voices profile - diary
lovableditz profile - diary
next--friday profile - diary
driven-freak profile - diary
coppersky profile - diary
twistedshell profile - diary
ifiwere profile - diary
foryoumister profile - diary
shmellie profile - diary
pokadot profile - diary
cheapredwine profile - diary
bloodwork36 profile - diary
naunynstreet profile - diary
thisisallyou profile - diary
bossynclyde profile - diary
emo-facade profile - diary
deadwater profile - diary
andgirlsays- profile - diary

My favorite music:

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My favorite authors:

leave a note for love-fatal
diaryrings which love-fatal belongs to
diaries which list love-fatal as a favorite diary
last updated: 2007-03-08 20:44:57
this user's total entries: 217
user since: 2004-10-20

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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