You Are Destined To Betray Me

"I sit here in my silence, no one seems to notice or they don't really care. Just one lonely girl; shivering, crying, - scared."

My favorite diaries:

bi-polar profile - diary
comments: I cannot even express what her diary means to me. It is a light, a beacon in my darkness. I read her entries and I know I will find my way somehow. Even though she doesn't know the way herself . . just to follow in her footsteps is the greatest honor

My favorite music:

comments: "Lullaby," "I Cry" "Gabriel, Gorecki, Zero
PJ Harvey
comments: "Who will love me now?"

My favorite movies:

comments: Eye of the Beholder
Spirited Away
comments: Damage . . . Batman . . Spiderman . . . The Professional . . .
comments: The Princess Bride . . . Charlies Angels: Full Throttle
Lord of the Rings
comments: Terminator, T-2
Shanghai Triad
comments: - everything [Gong Li] has ever been in basically.

My favorite authors:

Johanna Lindsay
comments: Every damn book....
Dean Koontz
comments: Intensity, Fear Nothing, Sieze the Night, False Memory
Edgar Allen Poe
comments: Black Cat (ahh, the joys of being scared witless!)
Laurell K. Hamilton
comments: Even though the Bitch sold out, I still stand by all her works PRE-Narcissis in Chains....
Sherrilyn Kenyon
comments: Pretty much every book in her Dark Hunters Series (But not all)....

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last updated: 2012-07-14 15:56:19
this user's total entries: 282
user since: 2001-10-27

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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