
a work forever in progress

My favorite diaries:

unclaimed profile - diary
comments: "But still, even I've read the Bible... And I gotta tell you, it bored the Hell out of me... I've read stereo instructions that gripped me with more ferocity."
theimposter profile - diary
comments: "just forgive me while i work out the kinks of this life, and maybe the next one will be a little easier to govern."
whitepills profile - diary
comments: "Does anyone else get the same sort of nostalgia when they think about "Chutes and Ladders" and "Candyland"?"
katiedoyle profile - diary
comments: "Let's all go live in a big field of flowers and listen to John Lennon songs. "
indementia profile - diary
comments: " We ask of you lord, to give laura jean the strength and determination to learn how to parallel park with grace and skill. thank you lord, in your name we pray, amen. "
kideternity profile - diary
comments: "...a move which might make Dr. Phil either faint dead away or bitch-slap me like there's no tomorrow"
finkus profile - diary
comments: "practice moving on remember standing still..."
down profile - diary
comments: "I love the feeling of complete carelessness I get when I spread my arms like wings and fall face first on to my bed. Sometimes I do it over and over, because half-seconds aren't long enough."
thepurposeof profile - diary
comments: "I feel like a garage sale violin lately... Dull, cheap and played a few times too often."
jstabovezero profile - diary
comments: "cigarette smoke, sweat, and skin against skin remind you what it feels like to be alive."
ladyvivien profile - diary
xdetailedx profile - diary
comments: my writings.. in progress

My favorite music:

comments: seeing them was amazing, i still get perma grin just thinking about it.
comments: she is just beautiful
sigur ros
comments: because i have to
the smiths
comments: "don't forget the songs that saved your life.."
iron and wine
comments: "love is a dream you enter though i shake and shake and shake you"

My favorite movies:

run lola run
comments: "so, whats in the bag?"
comments: "choose washing machines, cars, compact disk players and electrical tin openers. choose diy and wondering who the fuck you are on a sunday morning.."
dancer in the dark
comments: I've got these little games I play when it goes really hard.. I just start dreaming, and it all becomes music.
slc punk
comments: you are jesus...
comments: i can never choose select favourites when it comes to films

My favorite authors:

t.s. elliot
e.e cummings
sylvia plath
tj lee williams

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last updated: 2010-11-25 04:48:55
this user's total entries: 128
user since: 2002-11-10

AOL IM name: lunaadored
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Yahoo Messenger name: failingsky
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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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