
...i was the star of the will show, and the will show wasn't an ensemble drama...was i scared? i was petrified...

My favorite diaries:

Zadie profile - diary
comments: crackbastard to my friendly neighborhood crackdealer, young firth-apprentice jedi to my Firth-Jedi knighthood, ashley just rocks.
Hardrain profile - diary
comments: heather is probably one of the most looked up to dlanders ever, and with very good reason. she is still just a girl though, and a very good one.
Lifes-Dreams profile - diary
comments: matt is matt is matt. he writes a very good harry potter top ten list, and flips a mean burger.
Leiascully profile - diary
comments: mary is the a queen of collages, and my psp whore.
Sweetscully profile - diary
comments: marcella is very cool, very sweet, and very feisty
Pischina profile - diary
comments: pischina is the person everyone wants for an aunt. she's an awesome mother and someone everyone wants to be around.
Mychai profile - diary
comments: jp, or pj as mom and i call him, lives about three blocks away, and is fun to hang out with on occasion. also a fellow survivor.
Osiana profile - diary
comments: very dear man, who never forgets to wish me a happy brithday or congrats.
Ruhee profile - diary
comments: ruhee is my canadian girl.
Spotknewt profile - diary
comments: my aunt who seems to have forgoten about journaling.
Marn profile - diary
comments: the funniest girl ever from canada.
Quoted profile - diary
comments: all the best bits from all the best authors
Unclebob profile - diary
comments: we heart unclebob because he was the recipiant of the biggest shoutout in history. "What in the Uncle Bob was THAT?"-Mark, "Ed"
Perceptions profile - diary
comments: everyone loves bobby. and if they don't well, they are the minority.
dsurvivor profile - diary
comments: created by the wonderful meg, this is the official diary survivor, of which I was a proud participant.
kitchenlogic profile - diary
comments: k-lo, another fab dland mother, and funny woman
ladeeleroy profile - diary
comments: i've read her since her start, and have to admit she's a wonderful writer.
racer96 profile - diary
comments: mike is prehaps the best new read and friend i've gained from survivor. he's super nice, loves hockey, and an all around Ed-type nice guy.
throcky profile - diary
comments: a jane austin fan, i really can't complain
tvzero profile - diary
comments: jonny helped introduce me to joys of buffy the vampire slayer.
dsurvivor4 profile - diary
semicrazed07 profile - diary
comments: thomas is a really great guy. sure, some people call him 'matt' but after carefull thinking, it's thomas all the way. just to be "unique"
down-we-go profile - diary
comments: the fab miss maddie
ella-hpfc profile - diary

My favorite music:

comments: I have been a long time fan with out even realising it. Dumb me.
comments: Drops of Jupiter, gotta love it.
comments: What isn't to love about Art and the boys?
The Police
comments: Not an actuall fan, but I'll be damned if I don't learn to recognize them.
Five for Fighting
comments: Superman makes me cry every time.

My favorite movies:

Bridget Jones's Diary
comments: "No. I like you. Just the way as are." How can you pick between Hugh Grant and Colin Firth? It's nearly impossible.
Lord of the Rings
comments: Considering I compare everything to Bridget Jones or Harry Potter, the highest recomendaion I can give is the one I said when I left the theater after LotR. "Harry Potter totally s.u.c.k.e.d."
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
comments: While Harry isn't as good as LofR, it still is wonderful.
Wet Hot American Summer
comments: Hilariously funny and priceless with an teriffic cast.
About a Boy
comments: Alright. I confess. I like Hugh Grant. And this movie was made for Hugh. I love it all.

My favorite authors:

Helen Fielding
comments: "Mushrooms are not drugs but natural and will provide a gateway to a spiritual epiphany. V. excited."-'Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason'
J.K. Rowling
comments: "Proud? Are you crazy? All those times I could've died, and I didn't manage it? They'll be furious.... "-Harry Potter
Jane Austin
comments: "Yes, if I could abuse you so abominably to your face I could have no scruples to abuse you in front of your relatives." -'Pride and Prejudice'
Sophie Kinsella
comments: "Even now, whenever I see his face creasing into a real smile, I feel a bit of a lift inside. Because I know he's not like that with everyone. He's smiling like that becuase it's me. For me. "- 'Shopaholic Takes Manhattan�
Nick Hornby
comments: "No, see, you've always had that wrong. I really am this shallow." -'About a Boy'

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last updated: 2013-01-18 05:43:43
this user's total entries: 326
user since: 2000-06-10

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